Parliamentarians visit Tibetan settlement and institutions in South India

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Tibet-Mps-Karnataka-India-2015Dharamshala — Two Tibetan Parliamentarians, Ven Geshe Rongpo Lobsang Nyandak and Geshe Namdak Tsukphue visited Dhondeling Tibetan settlement in Kollegal, Karnataka state.

The delegation also "visited the nearby cities and town including Ooty and Kodaikonal where Tibetan sweater sellers and shopkeepers reside," said a report by the Tibetan administraiton media. The trip was assigned by the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile based in Dharamshala.

They first visited Kodaikonal town where Mr Tsering Wangdu, the Chairman of the Tibetan Sweeter Sellers Association received them. The report said that "the duo met the thirty Tibetans residing there and gave a public talk on the situation inside Tibet and the three main commitments of His Holiness the Dalai Lama."

In Ooty, Mr Tashi Wangdu, received the MPs. They visited the Tibetan market and interacted with the public before giving a talk on the Tibet issue. A representative from the Sweater Sellers Association also read out their annual report during the public talk.

The delegates also visited Kollegal settlement and received by Lhakpa Dorjee, the Settlement Officer and greeted by the various Tibetan organisations and associations on their arrival.

The next day, they had a meeting with representatives of the 22 Tibetan Camps, various Tibetan organisations and educational institutions in the settlement.

During their meeting with over 125 students at the CST school on May 26, they spoke about the critical situation inside Tibet.

In the final leg of their trip around the settlement, they gave a public talk to the local Tibetan community and responded to the various suggestions and grievances expressed by the public.