Sikyong urges Tibetan civil servants to improve language skills

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Dharamshala: -On 2 August 2014, around 30 Tibetan civil servants, from Office Assistants to Senior and Junior Clerks, began a four-month intensive training on language proficiency for junior level staff of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) at the Tibetan Reception Centre in Dharamshala.

Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay, political leader of the Tibetan people, encouraged building on language skills in order to more effectively perform duties of the Tibetan civil servants.

Addressing the inauguration of the training, Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangay said: "We regularly get recommendations from senior officials about the need to improve the language, particularly Tibetan language proficiency of the younger generation of Tibetan staff. Therefore, we have organized this training today for those who have not received proper training from the public service commission earlier."

Sikyong also underlined the importance of language skills in the day to day working of the administration and also for the betterment of individual career prospects in the future. "The chief language of correspondence in the Central Tibetan Administration is Tibetan, and to some extent, English. Therefore, it is extremely important to build on our language skills to ensure clarity and effectiveness in our correspondence," he said, adding, this training will also come in handy when they apply for internal job promotions through civil exams.

"The four month training will also help you to understand the intricate technical details of Tibetan bureaucracy, including the Tibetan charter, which in turn will help you to perform your duties more effectively. So, this training is a two-pronged strategy to develop the skills of the staff as well as the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization," Sikyong further said.

Mr. Jampel Choesang, Commissioner of the Tibetan Public Service Commission, spoke about the reasons for organizing and expectations from this training. “We are organizing this four-month intensive training on Tibetan and English language to ensure an improved delivery of public services," he said.

Mr. Migyur Dorjee, Secretary of the Public Service Commission, narrated a brief biography of the two resource persons who will be conducting the four-month training to the staff. The Tibetan language classes will be conducted by Mr Jhetung Tenzin who has over 35 years of experience in the field. The English classes will be conducted by Ms Tenzin Tsering who is a former reporter with AFP.

The training (2 August-2 December, 2014) is organized by the Tibetan Public Service Commission under the advisory of the Kashag, to enhance Tibetan and English language proficiency of Tibetan civil servants serving at various departments and settlement offices of the CTA.