Tibetan cyclist welcomed to Dharamshala after 9 month long rally

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Tibet-Rinpo-Yak-2013-1Dharamshala: -Hundreds of Tibetans and well-wishers lined the streets of Dharamshala on Saturday, 30 Nov. to welcome Rinpo Yak, a Tibetan who cycled through 400 cities in 15 countries across Asia and Europe.

He embarked on this cycling rally form Brussels on 10 March 2013 on a campaign to seek global support to end China's repressive rule in Tibet.

Throughout his journey he met Parliamentarians, Tibet supporters and human rights activists, and raised awareness about the plight of Tibetans under the policies of the Chinese government.

Addressing the welcome event in Dharamshala, Mr Penpa Tsering, Speaker of Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, applauded the efforts of the cyclist to raise awareness about China's atrocities in Tibet. He urged Tibetans to draw inspiration from his initiative and determination to do something for the Tibetan cause.

The speaker also highlighted the contributions of other Tibetan individuals who have carried out similar campaigns for the Tibetan cause. He stressed that Tibetan unity is the most important factor that will determine the success of the Tibetan movement.

In a brief speech, Rinpo spoke of his objectives for embarking on the international cycling rally from Europe to Asia. He said the dire situation prevailing inside Tibet needs to be brought to the attention of the world's conscience.

Rinpo Yak is currently based in Minneapolis, US. He has been actively engaged in political activities since 2000. He had organised and participated in peace marches, prostration events, and cycle rallies throughout almost all the states in the United States.