Tibet is virtually a big prison: Former political prisoners

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GuChuSum -26th June 2013Dharamshala: In December 1997, The UN general assembly proclaimed 26 June UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture. This day is celebrated annually on 26 June to speak out against the crime of torture and to honour and support victim's personality and denies the inherent dignity of the human being.

In the 21st century, Tibet and the Tibetans within the land face a gruesome reality of their lives everyday. The Chinese Communist regime use means of violence, bribery, brain-washing and propagandist methods to annihilate the people and their land so much so that Tibet is virtually a big prison for our people. Such is the tragic fate of the land that once used to be home to beautiful nomadic and farming based lives before the invasion by CCP.

As is expected, Tibetans have stood up against torturous oppressors which has so far has culminates in four different uprisings to revolt against Communist regime from 1959, the inception of the Chinese occupation to 2013, 54 years of losing freedom of one's land.

The first major revolt took place on 10th March 1959, in Lhasa, the capital city of Tibet where everyone joined forces to resist the invasion by the People's Liberation Army. The second one took place during 1987- 89 which again was in Lhasa. This uprising involved a majority from GuChuSum and displayed the unity and bravery of second generation Tibetans and the will to stand against a conniving enemy force. The third event was in 2008 and this time around, it brought together the regions of Amdo and Kham, which as per the Chinese government are outside the Tibet autonomous Region (TAR) and hence not a part of the Tibetan plateau.

To the rest of the world, CCP – through their power and money – displays a façade of peace and serenity reigning under their regime, over the 55 different minority races, the reality if pretty obvious to the outside world who understand the whole truth and gravity of the situation.

The ongoing self-immolations, now standing at 117, are unprecedented by any world nation's history, with the last event being as recent as 1tth June 2013 by a 31 years old nun, Wangchen Dolma from Taw region of Kham. The sacrifice of the burning bodies is an attempt and hope to burn through the system of deception of the Chinese government to the just world out there.

The GuChuSum Movement of Tibet, now 600 members strong, is an ongoing protest against the CCP's regime with the suppression and oppression with the violation of every possible human right in the UN charter thrives through the ex-political prisoners and the patriots that live through them. Today, yet another reminder of what has passed and what is still in existence within Tibet has to awaken the souls of people all over the world who have to know that we, as an international community cannot back down and must continue the struggle.