Prayers are offered for Tibetan immolators and landslide victims

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photo2Dharamshala: A prayer service to express solidarity with all those Tibetans who have self immolated and those suffering incarceration and torture under China’s repressive rule in Tibet, was held on April 4 by the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA)

The service, held at the Tsuglagkhang, the main Tibetan temple in Dharamshala, was attended by hundreds of the general public as well as CTA officials.

Tromthok Rinpoche, the abbot of Namgyal Monastery who led the prayers asked those present to pray for both Drupchen Tsering who self immolated on February 13 in Kathmandu, Nepal and Kunchok Tenzin, who self-immolated on March 26 in Luchu County, Eastern Tibet. Both were protesting against the Chinese rule in Tibet.

Prayers were also given for those who died on March 29 in the devastating landslide at the gold and copper mine in Tibet, near the capital Lhasa.

Dr Lobsang Sangay, the political leader of Tibetans made a speech during the service,”today is the 49th day since the death of Drupchen Tsering so we should all pray deeply for him. ”

Dr Sangay then spoke of the recent landslide in Tibet, “recently, many people died in the landslide in Tibet, including two Tibetans, so we should also pray for them.”

 “For this landslide, many Chinese environmental experts criticised their government”, he continued, “we are always talking about Chinese policy, for example repression, discrimination of the nation and for destroying the environment,  this landslide is proof of the environmental destruction in Tibet. “

“Recently Chinese government used Huatailong Mining Development as an example of successful mining in Tibet as it was very profitable, also the Chinese government talk about their environmental protection policies, this recent, devastating event reveals the truth behind these issues and highlights the government’s lack of concern over the environment.”

Over 114 Tibetans have self immolated since 2009 calling for Freedom for Tibetans and the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.