10th Day Indefinite Hunger Strike Campaign At The United Nations Office

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13 september 2012 001Dharamshala: 12 September, 2012. The 10th day of Indefinite Hunger Strike was marked by a demonstration outside of the United Nations Information Centre in New Delhi to appeal for the UN intervention in ending the undeclared martial law situation in Tibet.

Amidst the barricades and guards outside of the UN building, Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC) protestors were adamant in speaking directly to the UN about the worsening conditions in Tibet, as well as the UN previous promises in addressing those issues. Tibetan students from various Delhi universities, led by TYC Finance Secretary, Konchok Yangphel, marched towards the UN information Centre while chanting prayers. The aim of the demonstration was to submit memorandums to the UN Secretary General, Mr. Ban Ki-moon and High Commissioner for Human Rights, Ms. Navi Pillay.

TYC President, Tsewang Rigzin gave a speech to supporters and the media outside the UN office, informing them about the critical status of Tibet under Chinese oppressive policies. Furthermore, he spoke about the March 2012 hunger strike in New York, which was called off due to the UN's pledge to send one of their delegations to Tibet and to promptly contact Chinese government about the predicaments. Up until recently, no communication has been made by the UN and no representative has visited Tibet as the situation in the country worsened. "We are holding UN responsible for whatever happens to the three hunger strikers. We are appealing and will continue on until concrete actions have been taken by the UN," stated Tsewang Rigzin.

Shortly after his statement to the gatherings, security guards and police officials escorted him along with Joint-Secretary, Tenzing Norsang to the UN visitor's gate. Thereafter an official greeted the TYC representatives outside of the gate and subsequently informed them that "they will not be allowed inside as the rules have changed and even the Speaker of the Tibetan parliament in exile and delegation weren't allowed inside recently." Eventually the unyielding TYC representatives managed to persuade the official to allow them inside to talk with UN officials, including Ritch Millers. After the officials were briefed about the urgent situation in Tibet, they ensured TYC that the memorandums will be immediately sent to the Secretary General and High Commissioner to be examined by them.

Although the hunger strikers are steadily losing their body weights and have become dramatically weaker, their hope for Tibet is ever stronger as they were notified about the progress the campaign has made.