3 Day Campaign To Express Solidarity For The Tibetan Cause

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31 may 2012 001Dharamsala: Two more Tibetan men have gone through the act of self immolation in Lhasa on the 27th of May bringing the total cases of self immolation to 37 in Tibet alone since 2009.

The area was quickly swarmed by security forces who managed to douse the fire. One man is believed to have succumbed to his injuries and the other has suffered severe burns, this is has not been verified by the media as both men were whisked away by local Chinese authorities.

Class X students from the Tibet Children's Village (TCV) School at Suja have set aside 3 days of their summer break to bring attention to the ongoing crisis in Tibet. In light of recent events this campaign is garnering a lot of attention.

The 3 day protest began earlier today morning with a hunger strike. 150 students sat at the main temple at Dharamsala. 59 boys and 1 girl have shaved their heads showing greater support to the cause.

They have clearly meted out a show of support for their Tibetan brothers and sisters who have self immolated for the Tibetan cause. In addition to this they have made an appeal to the international community to put pressure on the Chinese government to stop indulging in a neo holocaust of the Tibetan people.

The protest will continue on the 2nd of June with a painting exhibition by children from Tibet, expressing in their art the nature of the Chinese repression. This will be followed by a candle light vigil and a prayer by his holiness the Dalai Lama on the 3rd of June.

This protest campaign has been stimulated by teachers and students alike who are showing immense support for the martyrs who have set themselves on fire for the Tibetan cause.