Tibetan Parliament’s Resolution On The Critical Situation Inside Tibet

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tibet-twoDharamshala, India: After extensive deliberation during the third session of the 15th House, the Tibetan Parliament-in-exile unanimously passed a resolution to seek intervention from the international community on March 14, 2012.

Outlining the atrocities inflicted by the Chinese government on the Tibetans inside Tibet this resolution details major issues being faced by the Tibetans inside Tibet along with appealing for intervention from the international community.

Expressing much lament on the current state of affairs inside the Third Pole, Penpa Tsering, Speaker of the Tibetan Parliament-in-exile addressed the media with the final draft of the latest resolution made by the Kashag.

The eight points highlighted in Resolution No. 2012/15/3/4 Document No. 6 are:

1. The Tibetan parliament in Exile would like to express our wholehearted solidarity, deep respect and appreciation to all the Tibetans who lost their lives and to all those who continue to suffer in Tibet for their selfless sacrifice and indomitable courage. We strongly condemn the Chinese government for resorting to harsh and inhuman repressive measures driving the Tibetans to self-immolation, instead of responding positively to calls of the Tibetans for the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and freedom for the Tibetans.

2. The Chinese government should, with immediate effect, end the repressive policies and ensure the basic rights and genuine autonomy for the Tibetans by implementing the provisions enshrined in the National Regional Autonomy Law.

3. For the purpose of ensuring the implementation of the National Regional Autonomy Law, Sino-Tibet negotiation must be resumed immediately.

4. Neutral, independent international fact finding delegations must be allowed to visit Tibet to ascertain the factual ground realities. Failing which, representatives of the Central Tibetan Administration must be allowed. Likewise, independent international press, representatives of organizations and individual tourists must be freely allowed to visit Tibet.

5. The Chinese authorities should immediately stop the massive infrastructure development in Tibet and sedentarisation of Tibetan nomads that created the condition to transfer large numbers of Han Chinese in Tibet aimed at annihilation of the rich Tibetan cultural heritage and way of life. The Chinese government should end its wrong policies which adversely impact the sentiments of the Tibetan people and work towards fulfilling the long and short term interest of the Tibetan people and their rights.

6. The Chinese authorities should immediately release all political prisoners including Panchen Lama Gedun Choekyi Nyima, to promote trust between the government and people just as Burma did.

7. We strongly appeal to the world leaders to raise the reality of the situation inside Tibet with the Chinese leaders and take effective responsibility in fulfilling the aspiration of the Tibetan people and to save Tibetan lives.

8. The Tibetan Parliament in Exile wishes to thank governments, parliaments, Tibet support groups, international organizations, Chinese democracy promoters and individuals that support truth and justice, for expressing their concern and solidarity through various non-violent means. We seek your continued support and solidarity in not only resolving the current crisis in Tibet but also in finding a lasting solution for the issue of Tibet. Moreover, we wish to reiterate our appeal to the United Nations to send fact finding delegations to ascertain the critical situation inside Tibet.

Lamenting over China's repressive policies, Mr. Penpa Tsering in his address to the media, said, "China has with complete disregard to the basic rights of the Tibetan people been imposing obstinate policies resulting in death of many and torture of hundreds, who, unable to bear the heavy handedness are resorting to self-immolations, one after another."

In an appeal to the world leaders to intervene, he said, "For a lasting resolution of the Tibetan issue and in view of the increasingly grave and urgent situation in Tibet, it was felt necessary and important to adopt the resolution to seek the intervention of the international community to support the just cause of Tibet," and thanked the organizations that have expressed and extended their support in every way as he concluded.


The situation in eastern Tibet has consistently remained grim since March 2011 self-immolation by a Tibetan names Phuntsok.

30 Tibetans have self-immolated in protest of the Chinese rule in Tibet since then.

Most of the incidents have taken place in eastern Tibet but these incidents are now spreading to other areas as well.

Reports suggest that this crackdown has intensified after leaflets calling for Tibetans to skip New Year celebrations this year to pay homage to the martyrs were circulated in Drakgo.

Tibetan Prime Minister-in-exile, Dr. Lobsang Sangay called for a worldwide vigil to protest against the Chinese crackdown in Tibet as an initiative to call for international intervention.