Hundreds of Nepalese Armed Police Disrupt Global Action for Tibet

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1st-november-2011-nepalKathmandu, Nepal: - This morning, 1 November 2011, approximately 400 Nepalese armed police surrounded the Tibetan Settlement camp ground in Jawalakhel, Kathmandu, where hundreds of Tibetans had gathered to initiate a three-day campaign as part of the Global Action for Tibet.

The Campaign comprises solidarity actions such as a mass prayer service, fasting, writing letters in blood, Lhakar oath for Tibet, Freeze for Tibet and the shaving heads. Tibetans from all parts of Nepal including members of RTYC, Pokhara, nuns and monks and Tibetan students from around Kathmandu had congregated at Jawalakhel to participate in this campaign.

By 4:00 am the Nepalese police had already surrounded the camp ground, blocking all exits. About 30 policemen charged into the middle of the crowd and seized all the banners, placards and Tibetan flags. When they grabbed the portrait of the Dalai Lama bearing the words 'Long Live His Holiness the Dalai Lam', some Tibetans became emotional and lunged forward to snatch it back. The Tibetans explained that the gathering was a religious expression of solidarity responding to the events in Tibet; they said that such intrusions by the army or police in a democratic country like Nepal signifies a total disregard for freedom of religion and expression.

The armed forces men retorted that the word Tibet itself has a serious political connotation and is therefore prohibited from being used. In the frenzy, many Tibetans attempted to run past the blockade onto the streets, receiving heavy police beatings. The female Tibetans were beaten particularly brutally. A mother who had a five-month old baby on her back challenged the police to hit the baby girl also if that satisfied them. She said that this little girl is capable of also taking some hits if that is what it takes for the cause.

The location of this confrontation is approximately five minutes walking distance from the United Nations building.

At the time of sending this news, 41 females and 20 males are in jail. The President of RTYC Kathmandu, Tsewang Dolma, the General Secretary, Yeshi Dolma and some executives member of RTYC Pokra were also detained.

In recent days, members of RTYC, Kathmandu, have called upon all embassies in Nepal, particularly the embassies of G-20 countries in Nepal. These include the UK, Finland, Germany, France, the United States, Japan, Austria, Denmark, plus the UNHCR and the European Union. TYC also submitted the TYC petition as well as presenting material evidence such as photographs, videos and a detailed chronology of events in the affected areas, in particular the Ngaba region of Eastern Tibet. TYC also met with officials at the British High Commission, the Embassy of Finland and the Indian Embassy in Nepal.