Bay Area Tibetans Join Global Solidarity Hunger Strike

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18thmay20110101Berkeley, CA. May 15th 2011. San Francisco Regional Tibetan Youth Congress (SFRTYC) members along with Bay Area Tibetans and supporters participated in a 24 hour Global Hunger Strike to show solidarity with the Tibetans in Ngaba, Tibet and the three TYC executive members who have been on an indefinite hunger strike since April 25th 2011.

The hunger strike was held from 7 pm Saturday May 14th to 7 PM Sunday May 15th in the heart of Berkeley. The program began with the Tibetan National Anthem sung by the participants of the hunger strike, while the colorful Tibetan Flag waved in the breezy weather. "We will not forget Phuntsok Jarutsang's sacrifice and we will do all we can to bring justice to Ngaba. We also want to send a message out to the three TYC execs on their 21 day of hunger strike that we support them", said San Francisco Regional Tibetan Youth Congress President Tashi Namgyal to a crowd of curious passersby and supporters. An essay titled "Remembering the young monk Phuntsok, who died from Self-immolation" by blogger/writer Woser was read by Tsokyi Choera.

The prayer "Words of Truth" (composed by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama) was then recited as the 10-15 hunger-strikers took their place in the two propagated tents in downtown Berkeley, while pictures of the crackdown in Ngaba and the hunger strike in Delhi, India were projected. Ten camped out overnight under a tent despite the pouring rain and gusty wind, while volunteers approached the oncoming traffic of people and urged them to take necessary actions for the people of Ngaba.

Supporters visited this site with inspiring words and Tibetan Association of Northern California (TANC) representative Tsedup gave words of encouragement. Letters asking for intervention in Ngaba addressed to California Senators were also passed around the next morning. Throughout the day, elders chanted prayer, while SFRTYC members distributed pamphlets and the images were projected.

The hunger strike ended at 7 PM Sunday May 15th as scheduled with the singing of Tibetan National Anthem. Members of local Tibetan community thanked the people who staged the hunger strike.

This action is a part of the Global Solidarity Hunger Strike Relay launched on May 15th by the North American Coalition of Tibetan Youth Congress. In addition, SFRTYC has been holding Candle Light Vigils in downtown Berkeley since the crack down in Ngaba and will be holding it until justice is served in Ngaba. This was organized to bring light to the situation in Ngaba and to tell the community what actions are necessary.