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Dharamshala — “To some in China, the authentic, autonomous Tibet is inconceivable. To us, it is inevitable. So we must shorten the distance between the inconceivable to them, and the inevitable to us,” said Leader Nancy Pelosi during the felicitation ceremony welcoming a U.S. Congressional delegation to Dharamshala.

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Dharamshala — Congratulatory statements from world leaders across the world began trickling in after it was announced that a historic victory for centrist Emmanuel Macron in the 2017 French presidential elections.

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Dharamshala — In a surprising turn of events, the Communist Party of China has accused its own party officials in the Tibet Autonomous Region of donating funds to the exiled Dalai Lama, who has been labelled by Beijing as a separatist and enemy of the state.

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Dharamshala — United States appointee to the Ambassadorship to China, Iowa Governor Terry Branstad, faced tough questions about Tibet and human rights at his Senate confirmation hearing on May 2, 2017.

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Dharamshala — Tibet was never a part of China but Middle Way Approach remains a mutually acceptable solution of the issue of Tibet, said democratically elected Tibetan political leader, Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay who was on a two day tour to Australia from April 28.

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Dharamshala — A delegation of Tibetan Parliament members visiting Japan called on Japanese Parliamentarians to pass a resolution in support the Middle Way policy and facilitate education of Tibetans. The delegation met a prominent think-tank of Japan and discussed on the Middle Way policy, education of Tibetans among other Tibet-related issues.

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Dharamshala — The democratically elected political leader of Tibet, Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay is seeking support for Tibetans and the middle way approach during his visit to Australia and New Zealand this week, after arriving in Brisbane on April 28th.

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