Our mission is to let world leaders know the truth about Tibet and the illegal occupation: Tibetan Youth

Group photo of International Tibetan Youth participants with guests, speakers and facilitators, July 20, 2023. Photo: DIIR/Tenzin Jigme Taydeh

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Dharamshala, India — The International Tibetan Youth Forum, with the participation of 100 young Tibetans from over 16 countries, concluded the meeting on July 20, 2023 and reached a joint declaration entitled "Declaration of the International Tibetan Youth Forum", which states: "Our mission is to harness our collective power to inform the world and its leaders of the truth about Tibet, its historical independence, illegal occupation, and our people’s nonviolent struggle for freedom."

The International Tibetan Youth Forum began in Dharamshala with the participation of over 100 young Tibetans from more than 16 countries on July 18, 2023, and ended on July 20, 2023. The three-day forum was organised by the Department of Information and International Relations (DIIR) of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA). The meeting concluded with a joint declaration entitled "Declaration of the International Tibetan Youth Forum" on July 20, 2023.

The declaration stated,"We, the 100 participants of the International Tibet Youth Forum in Dharamshala are part of a wide and growing global network of young professionals and students of diverse expertise, united by our Tibetan identity and commitment to the Tibetan freedom movement. Our people’s unshakable spirit fuels our resilience and motivation to carry on the legacy of our ancestors and to stand in solidarity with Tibetans inside and outside Tibet."

"Occupied Tibet remains one of the least free places in the world as China attempts to eradicate every facet of the Tibetan identity. The wide-known oppressive practices of the Chinese government only underscore their insecurities and illegitimate rule of Tibet. Any trust left in the current regime will continue to erode with each uprising and act of dissent. We firmly reject and will continue to oppose China’s false narratives and attempts to dictate Tibetans’ way of life," the Tibetan youth said.

"Our mission is to harness our collective power to inform the world and its leaders of the truth about Tibet, its historical independence, illegal occupation, and our people’s nonviolent struggle for freedom. We will also highlight the global relevance of Tibet's geopolitical, economic, and environmental significance in the world and the responsibilities of the international community to support the peaceful resolution of the Tibet-China conflict. We shall strategically and innovatively utilize every avenue and leverage the support of our many allies to achieve our mission," the Tibetan youth from 16 countries said.

The 100 Tibetan youth explained,"Tibetans are not alone in facing this struggle for freedom and human rights; we are in solidarity with all those fighting for justice and dignity. We urge all who value freedom to stand in solidarity with us in our struggle against the world’s largest authoritarian regime."

The Tibetan youth of the International Tibetan Youth Forum declared, "We demand an end to China's occupation of Tibet and a free exercise of our people’s right to self-determination. In unity, we call for the immediate and safe return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and exiled Tibetans to our rightful homeland and declare our unwavering dedication to the Tibetan freedom movement. Our generation remains steadfast in our commitment to safeguard our culture, preserve our heritage, and to fight for a better future for the Tibetan nation and people."