Under brutal rule of China, basic rights of Tibetans are non-existent: NBA player Kanter

NBA player Enes Kanter Freedom. Photo: file

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Dharamshala, India — “While we are in China, can we swing by Tibet? Can we see what the regime is doing to these beautiful people? Under the Chinese government’s brutal rule, Tibetan people’s basic rights and freedoms are non-existent. Let’s show the world how the Chinese Communist Party is erasing Tibetan identity, religion, and culture,” said NBA player Enes Kanter after former NBA player Yao Ming invites him to visit China.

Former NBA player Yao Ming invited NBA player Enes Kanter Freedom to visit China to better understand China, famed NBA player Kanter issued a firm response to Yao Ming saying that he will visit China if his request "to see the real side of China under the brutal rule of the Chinese Communist Party" is met.

At a press conference in Beijing on January 17, 2022, former NBA player Yao Ming was asked about Enes Kanter Freedom's recent campaign on human rights issues in Tibet, East Turkestan, and Hong Kong. Yao Ming replied: “If there is an opportunity, I would like to invite him to visit China…Then he may have a more comprehensive understanding of us.”

“Just yesterday, I saw on the news that former NBA player Yao Ming invited me to China. I want to be very clear: I have nothing against Chinese people. My problem is with the cultish Chinese Communist Party and the brutal dictator Xi Jinping,” said NBA player Enes Kanter Freedom in a video on January 20, 2022.

“Well, I want to say thank you for your kind offer; and yes, I accept your invitation. I would like to come to China this summer and see everything with my own eyes. But on this trip, will we be able to visit the Uyghur slave labor camps; or visit the innocent women, be tortured, raped, or abused? Will we get to see how the regime destroys bodies after harvesting their organs, so there is no evidence,” Kanter continued.

He further enquired, “Or will you show me propaganda only? While we are in China, can we swing by Tibet? Can we see what the regime is doing to these beautiful people? Under the Chinese government’s brutal rule, Tibetan people’s basic rights and freedoms are non-existent. Let’s show the world how the Chinese Communist Party is erasing Tibetan identity, religion, and culture.”

“On this trip, can we please visit Hong Kong together? Hong Kong used to be one of the freest cities in the world. Yet now, the destruction of the free press, crackdowns on rights, and more arrests are happening each and every day,” the NBA Player said.

“On this trip, can we please visit Taiwan together, so you can see how democracy is thriving, even as they worry that China may invade any day? Let’s look at the happy faces of the Taiwanese people as you tell them how the regime you support wants to kill them if they do not want to be a part of China,” He added.

“While I am in China, will I get to see the tennis player Peng Shui? Will I be able to speak directly with her to ask her if she’s safe and okay? And will she be able to freely respond? I will come to visit China when you agree to do what I mentioned,” he confirmed.

Kanter concluded by retorting, “Listen, Yao Ming, you or your Communist Party cannot bind me. I do not need a luxury tour of China. I want the world to see the real side of China under the cultish Chinese Communist Party’s brutal rule. Slave labor camps and millions living in fear because of surveillance. You simply cannot escape! Please let me know and I will buy my own ticket and I will be there on the first flight to China this summer. Thank you.”

For context, the Boston Celtics basketball player had sent a message to the Chinese government and President Xi Jinping and has said, "Dear brutal dictator Xi Jinping and the Chinese government, Tibet belongs to the Tibetan people!."

He had stated, “My message to the Chinese government is Free Tibet, Tibet belongs to Tibetans, I am here to add my voice and speak out what is happening in Tibet. Under the Chinese government's brutal rule, Tibetan people's basic rights and freedom are nonexistent.”

Enes Kanter has been a strong advocate for freedom and a critic of the Chinese Communist Party's brutal domination of all oppressed peoples living in Tibet, East Turkestan, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.