Human rights must be demanded in talks with China: Tibetan activist

Jigme Adotsang, former president of Tibetan Youth Association of Europe (TYAE), speaks to the audience at the European Forum Lucerne on November 25, 2021. Photo: file

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Lucerne, Switzerland — “It is morally not justifiable to do business with a country like China, where Tibetans are tortured and systematically suppressed, millions of Uyghurs are put into concentration camps or protests in Hong Kong are brutally cracked down. Human rights must be demanded in talks with China,” said Jigme Adotsang, former President of Tibetan Youth Association in Europe(TYAE).

Four Tibetan activists from the Tibetan Youth Association in Europe raised the human rights situation in Tibet at an official program of the Europa Forum Luzern with the title “Switzerland and Europe under the Spell of China", on November 25, 2021, during a presentation by Chinese professor Keyu Jin on the Chinese perspective on business between Switzerland and China.

During the protest, they held banners and shouted slogans such as "No human rights, no business," "Don't deal with killers," "Free Tibet", "No Beijing 2022," and “boycott the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics”.

According to TYAE, the reason for the protest was the deliberate exclusion of human rights issues at the forum. Human rights organizations were not given a platform at the forum because the organizers of the forum said that, "human rights were not the focus of the event."

“It is morally not justifiable to do business with a country like China, where Tibetans are tortured and systematically suppressed, millions of Uyghurs are put into concentration camps or protests in Hong Kong are brutally cracked down. Human rights must be demanded in talks with China!,” said Jigme Adotsang, one of the protestors at the forum.