His Holiness the Dalai Lama congratulates India’s President Ram Nath Kovind on his Birthday

His Holiness the Dalai Lama with the President of India Ram Nath Kovind (then the Governor of Bihar) in Bodhgaya, Bihar, India on January 9, 2017. Photo by Tenzin Choejor

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Dharamshala, India — On the occasion of Indian President Ram Nath Kovind’s 76th birthday, His Holiness offered his congratulations and said “this year marks the 62nd year of our life in exile. On behalf of all my fellow Tibetan brothers and sisters, I would like to thank the Government and People of India for their unparalleled generosity and kindness. We remain forever grateful.”

“I greatly appreciate your dedication as President to the nation’s steady development,” His Holiness wrote, “especially when it comes to the well-being of the less privileged.

“India has long been home to a broad range of spiritual and cultural traditions living in respectful harmony, side by side. It is the most populous, vibrant democracy in the world. The country’s stature is growing on the international stage. As our world becomes increasingly interdependent, I look forward to seeing India take a leading role in guiding humanity towards peace. This may include sharing the treasured principles of karuna and ahimsa, time-tested ideas that remain very relevant today. I firmly believe that India is the only country with the potential to combine ancient knowledge with modern education and with a view to creating a more peaceful world.”

His Holiness added, “This year marks the 62nd year of our life in exile. On behalf of all my fellow Tibetan brothers and sisters, I would like to thank the Government and People of India for their unparalleled generosity and kindness. We remain forever grateful.”

He concluded by offering his prayers and good wishes.