Prince Buthelezi praises Dalai Lama for dedication to cause of world peace

Prince Mangosuthu Gatsha Buthelezi. Photo: File

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Cape Town –Celebrating the 87th birthday of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi highly praised the Tibetan leader for his "commitment to peace, non-violence and human solidarity".

Prince Mangusuthu Buthelezi, Member of Parliament and Founder and Honorary Chairman of the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP), sent heartfelt greetings and expressed his gratitude to His Holiness the Dalai Lama. "His Holiness is providing great spiritual support to many people around the world," Prince Mangusuthu Buthelezi said on the most auspicious occasion of celebrating the 86th birthday of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

"As the world celebrates the 86th birth anniversary of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibet, I am pleased to express my own good wishes to my friend. May he continue to be healthy, hopeful and happy," said Prince Mangetu Buthelezi as he greeted the 86th birthday of His Holiness.

“Sadly this is the second time that His Holiness is celebrating a birthday under the severe distress of a global pandemic. We are grateful that technology allows us to come together in virtual celebrations so that this important day can still be marked. In South Africa, we thank the Office of Tibet and His Holiness’s representative, Mr Ngodup Dorjee, for arranging online events and keeping the Friends of Tibet active in this difficult time,” expressed the party leader.

“I know that His Holiness is providing tremendous spiritual support to many people throughout the world. His support to Tibetans living in exile, particularly in Dharamsala which is the seat of the Central Tibetan Administration, is crucial, for India like many parts of the world has been facing extreme levels of infection,” he further stated.

“It has been ten years since His Holiness handed political authority to the Sikyong (Prime Minister) of the Tibetan Government-in-Exile. Since then, the cause of freedom and democracy has been led by Dr Lobsang Sangay, and now very ably by the new Sikyong Mr Penpa Tsering. I and the IFP continue to support this cause,” assured the Founder of IFP.

“We are grateful that His Holiness remains as a spiritual leader. His commitment to peace, non-violence, and human solidarity have always resonated with me, for these are the very principles on which I founded Inkatha and by which I have lived for nine decades.” stated the Prince expressing gratitude. “Cognisant of the important role that His Holiness plays in promoting spiritual wellbeing, I am honoured to wish him well on this significant day. May he enjoy a happy birthday” concluded the MP.