We will continue supporting Tibet until genuine autonomy reached: Czech Parliamentary group

Dr Lobsang sangay with the Czech Parliamentary Support Group for Tibet (CPGT). Photo:CTA

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Geneva, Switzerland – On the joyous occasion of Losar, year of Iron Ox 2148, the Czech Parliamentary Support Group for Tibet (CPGT) extended its greetings for the new year. “We will further continue supporting Tibet until genuine autonomy is reached through the Middle Way approach, and His Holiness the Dalai Lama returns to Tibet", mentioned in a heartfelt letter sent on February 12, 2021.

The letter, written by the Honourable Premsyl Rabas, a Senator in the Czech Parliament and Mr. Frantisek Kopriva, Chamber of Deputy, co-chairs and founding members of the CPGT, begins by addressing His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the SikyongDr.LobsangSangay, the Central Tibetan Administration and the people of Tibet both within and outside the land of Tibet. It expresses joy and wishes the people a Happy Iron Ox New Year, praying for the success of the Tibetan cause. “We will further continue supporting Tibet until genuine autonomy is reached through the Middle Way approach, and His Holiness the Dalai Lama returns to Tibet", mentioned in the letter. It also thanked the people of Tibet for their continued trust in the CPGT.

The letter went on to congratulate His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan people on the success of the Tibetan Policy and Support Act 2020. “We are sure that this important achievement will be very instrumental for the Tibetan cause,” it concluded.

The Czech Parliamentary Support Group for Tibet (CPGT) is the largest support group for the Tibetan cause in Europe. It was founded in September 2018. The CPGT aims to point out the possible peaceful solutions for the Tibetan Issue and also serve as a reminder that silencing dialogue is not the best solution and is, in fact, counterproductive.

Source: CTA