Protesters rally in New York's Times Square against the authoritarian communist China

Protesters holding banners and posters in protest against the authoritarian communist regime in China, at Times Square, New York, USA, on July 03, 2020. Photo: TPI

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New York— A large number of Indian Americans organised a protest demonstration against China at the iconic Times Square on July 03, 2020. They were also joined by members of the Tibetan Community and Taiwanese Americans and supporters. At the beginning of the protest, a Tibetan Monk led a Buddhist prayer to pay tribute to the courage of the Indian soldiers and offer our condolences to the bereaved families.

The 'Boycott China' protest seeks diplomatic isolation and economic boycott of the Chinese Communist party and urges Prime Minister Modi, President Trump and Prime Minister Abe to lead a global coalition against China.

Addressing the peaceful gathering, Jagdish Sewhani, President of the American India Public Affairs Committee said that at a time when the entire world is battling the deadly coronavirus, the naked aggression shown by China, against its neighborhood including India has exposed the true intentions of this rogue Communist regime.

“I say it rogue, because the way China is treating people in Hong Kong, repression against the peace-loving people of Tibet. And now it is doing the same against the Muslims / Uyghurs in Xinjiang, China. Not only that today it’s entire population is under constant surveillance. And now it wants to convert the entire world into a surveillance State. It’s recent behavior and action only proves this. We called for the diplomatic isolation of China and urged the international community to immediately start boycotting Chinese products. We peace-loving people of the world want to let China know that enough is enough. They need to stop immediately all their aggressive behavior against its neighbours including India.”

Protesters raise Indian national flags and Tibetan National flags. At the protest slogans were raised “Stand with India, Victory to India, Shame on China, China lies people dies, Boycott Made in China, Tibet’s Independence India’s Security”

Dorjee Tseten, Member of Tibetan Parliament in Exile & Executive Director, Students for a Free Tibet said at the rally “We strongly condemn the Chinese military invasion on Indian soil. Tibet stands in Solidarity with India. China’s greed stretches far beyond Tibet but also to the whole Himalaya region and the world at large as part of their aggressive expansionist policy. This most recent tragedy demonstrates China's occupation of Tibet is a threat to India's security and international peace. In addition to the Chinese government’s mishandling of the Coronavirus outbreak, Beijing has further threatened global security by waging a military invasion against India. The Chinese Communist totalitarian regime must be held accountable for flouting international law, human rights violations of Uyghurs, Tibetans, and Hong Kongers. We call world governments to take immediate multilateral action against Beijing’s authoritarian rule by rejecting the ‘One China Policy’ in theory and practice.”

Jagdish Sewhani further said “So far, India has remained silent and shown to the world that it wants to have peace with the world. This approach of peace should not be considered as our weakness. I want to use this occasion to let China know that in 2020 it is Modi’s India and not Nehru’s India when they took India for a ride. Today we are militarily and economically strong. We have a strong leader in Prime Minister Modi. India under him will give a befitting reply to the nefarious designs of President Xi Jinping of China. And if the success of Modi’s policies is of any indication, China’s image in the world has never been as worse as it is today. From Australia to Japan to Germany, to the United Kingdom and here in the United States, President Trump – every world leader has come out in support of India. It’s time for the democratic and peace-loving people of the world to give a befitting reply to China. Time has come for Whole world to unite against this bully China.”

Protest Organiser Sewhani said: “If we need to defeat this monster, save the mankind and the democratic values and freedom we all love, we need to hit China on three fronts:

A) Trade: The entire world should boycott Chinese products.

B) Tibet: We should support the independence of Tibet

C) Taiwan: Come out in support of Taiwan

The three Ts can be successfully handled by a global coalition led by three world leaders: MTA

1. Modi: Prime Minister Narendra Bhai Modi of India

2. Trump: President Donald Trump of the United States

3. Abe: Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan Jagdish SewhaniThe Protest was concluded with Indian National Anthem and Tibetan National Anthem.