Monk stages solo protest outside Chinese consulate in Sydney over Tibet's missing boy

Bagdro, the former political prisoner began a solo protest in front of the Chinese consulate in Sydney, Australia, May 26, 2020. Photo: TPI

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Sydney — Bagdro, the former political prisoner staged a solo protest in front of the Chinese consulate in Sydney to mark the 25th anniversary of the disappearance of the 11th Panchen Lama, Gedhun Choekyi Nyima, who has not appeared in public since the PRC government abducted him in 1995, at age six.

The Tibetan activist and former political prisoner, Badro, who is a prominent activist in the peaceful protest against repressive policies by the Chinese communist-authoritarians and China's illegal occupation of Tibet, has staged his first solo peaceful protest since his arrival in Australia.

Raising national flags of Tibet and Australia and holding a portrait of the 11th Panchen Lama in front of the Chinese consulate in Sydney, Ven Bagdro posted his protest on his social media accounts on Tuesday (May 26). He said, "my first ever lone political activism since I arrived Australia". His friend took few pictures, and then left the consulate after an hour.

His protest came after parliamentarians and government officials from many countries around the world continue to express their support in the ongoing global call for the release of the 11th Panchen Lama.

"In Australia, on Tuesday May 26, 2020 when the clock turned exactly at 11 am, I began my solo peaceful protest from Sydney city to the Chinese consulate. I set out to protest for half an hour," Ven Bagdro wrote.

The former political prisoner said, "the main objective of this activism is coupled with goals to demand the immediate release of 11th Panchen Lama Gendun Choekyi Nyima for illegal confinement by the Chinese government and all other political prisoners in Tibet who are innocent in their captivity."

"Everyone, kindly keep me in your prayers for the successful outcome of the peaceful protest," he said while thanking his colleague Amdo Kunchok from Blue Mountain Australia for taking all the pictures of the event. "I wholeheartedly thank him for his tremendous support and cooperation."

He continued to keep up his call on the communist-totalitarian regime in China, the immediate release of all political prisoners in Tibet, including 11th Panchen Lama Gedhun Choekyi Nyima and his entire family and to protest that the human rights violations perpetrated against Tibetans in Tibet and China had illegally and forcefully occupied Tibet before and after the 1950s.

Supporters from different parts of the world showed solidarity with him side-by-side, posting comments on their social media platforms.

"I truly appreciate your active dedication to peacefully engage in protest against the brutal and barbaric CCP illegal colonization in Tibet for the last about 61 years since 1959. We demand the bloody CCP for the immediate release every Tibetan political prisoner particularly including 11th Panchen Lama, the second-highest religious leader after His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama," Tenzin Wangdu wrote.

Bruno Nua, another fan wrote, "well done. Australia's shameful metal trade with China will certainly mean that pro-Tibet activism will be seen as un-Australian as Native Australian activism."

Twenty-five years after the enforced disappearance of the Tibetan Buddhist leader, his abduction means the six million people of Tibet have never seen the 11th Panchen Lama and don't know his whereabouts. The world is in shame of forgetting a young boy who has not appeared in public since the Chinese communist-authoritarian government in Beijing abducted him in 1995, at age six.