"Our traditions can benefit the world:" leader to Tibetans in San Diego

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HHDL addresses Tibetans SDSan Diego — “Remain calm, stick together and stay united. Keep in mind that our Buddhist traditions can contribute to the wider world,” was the spiritual leader of Tibet's message during his dialogue with Tibetans living in San Diego, California, during his current trip to the United States.

“During this short visit to this area, I’m happy to be able to meet with some of you who have a special karmic connection with me, not just in this life but over many lifetimes. Tibetans in Tibet and in exile have shown remarkable loyalty and dedication—I’d like to thank you.

“We’ve been in exile for 58 years, which in the life of one individual is a long time. In Tibet, temples and monasteries have been destroyed and many people have lost their lives. In terms of education, study of Tibetan language and culture are restricted in Tibet. Nevertheless, our Tibetan spirit remains strong and we are united.

“It’s important that we keep our language alive, not out of attachment, but because it is the best means for accurately conveying Buddhist philosophy, science and psychology. Over the last 30 years or more we’ve held discussions with scholars and scientists most of whom are not religious as such. They are intrigued that the Nalanda tradition is based not on blind faith, but on reason and logic.

“Buddhism having been preserved for more than 2500 years should be passed down to the younger generations so that they can benefit from it and so on.”

“Remain calm, stick together and stay united. Keep in mind that our Buddhist traditions can contribute to the wider world.”

His Holiness also announced that he had just visited the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota for a check-up and the doctors gave him the "all clear," stating that his health remains good and that the prostate treatment he received last year to have been a success.