Another Nun Burns While Tibet Protests Spread like Wildfire During G20

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4th-november-2011-romeDharamshala: - At the onset of the G20 summit, breaks the alarming news of the 11th self-immolation of a Tibetan since March of this year, in the southwest province of Sichuan. 35 year old nun, Palden Choetso, of the Gaden Choeling nunnery, chanted ‘Free Tibet", and "Long Live the Dalai Lama" before setting herself on fire at a public prayer session at the Drocho town of Tawu county, eastern Tibet.

She is the 6th Tibetan to die in incendiary protest of the Chinese rule in Tibet, an administration that has steadily become more aggressive in its clampdown of Tibetans since the failed uprising in 1959.The Tibetan media has reported that security forces have already surrounded the monastery to ensure information does not leak from within.

The CTA has issued its heartfelt condolences to the members of Choetso's family. A candlelight vigil was held for the nun in Dharamshala yesterday. The Kashag and the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile organized a prayer ceremony at Tsuklakhang today, in respect for the departed souls.

In a statement to the press, the Kashag expressed its solidarity with the suppressed Tibetan communities, who have spent decades perishing under the short-sighted policies of the Chinese. The Central Tibetan Administration has urged the Chinese government to "stop hurling baseless allegations and start solving the real problems", by discontinuing its clampdown on religious freedom and the freedom of speech in Eastern Tibet. It also reiterates its appeal for China to allow international media delegation and access in the affected region, so that the causes behind string of self-immolations can be ascertained and the victims, medically treated.

A few hours ago, another Tibetan in exile attempted to engulf himself in flames outside the Chinese Embassy in the capital of India. Police at the scene managed to douse the fire, as he shouted "Stop Killing in Tibet" and "Free Tibet".

25 year old, Sherab Tsedor was taken to hospital immediately after, suffering minor burns, reported a police officer that chooses to remain anonymous.

Yesterday, deemed "Global Action Day" by Tibet supporters around the world, protests and demonstrations ensued in the seat of the G20 in Cannes, as well as in 90 other cities worldwide. 9 activists from Students for a Free Tibet and Tibetan Youth Association Europe were detained by the police in Cannes for hanging Pro-Tibet banners at Cannes Railway Station.

An international team of Tibet supporters convened at the premier political platform in order to send a pressing message to the Chinese president to suspend the crackdown on Tibet, reports the international media.

sl-oo2200tt225 Tibetan activists staged a piece of political street theatre on the outskirts of the Summit; they draped themselves in Tibetan flags and laid down in the middle of the road while a supporter held up a banner that read, " Enough! Global Intervention Now to Save Tibetan Lives!" Shortly after, Thupten Wangchen and six other activists were detained for the demonstration.

"These unprecedented and truly desperate self-immolations by Tibetans are a cry to the outside world for help," said Venerable Thupten Wangchen, a Member of the Tibetan Parliament in exile. "China's merciless and violent crackdown is intensifying Tibetan grievances and exacerbating this crisis. We send an urgent appeal to G20 leaders to immediately and robustly press Hu Jintao to withdraw military forces from eastern Tibet and end the crackdown now."

"In Cannes and in cities around the world, Tibetans and our supporters are standing up and saying Enough! Enough to China's violent, military rule over our people, our land, and our culture and enough to world leaders for failing to hold Beijing accountable for their atrocities in Tibet", said Tenzin Jigme of the International Tibet Network, a worldwide coalition of more than 180 Tibet Groups. "Inaction will lead to the loss of countless more Tibetan lives, and we can not just stand by and let that happen" added Migmar Dhukyel of Tibetan Youth Association.

Activists all over the world have been lobbying for Tibet and pressing their governments to confront President Hu Jintao and make him introduce a positive changes and corrective measures in Tibet.

The "Enough! Campaign for Global Intervention to Save Tibetan Lives" has been fueled by the support of over 23, 500 sympathizers, including many prominent individuals such as Richard Gere, Radiohead, and Archbiship Desmond Tutu, who continue to press for a multilateral resolve for the sorry situation in Tibet.

"It's time for China to face up to its human rights responsibilities if it truly wants to be recognized as a leading world nation. It's also time for the rest of G20's leaders to stop hiding from the truth about China's brutal repression of the Tibetan people, and recognize that by acting collectively, courageously and with principle, they can help to resolve one of the world's longest-standing injustices, China's occupation of Tibet", said Tenzin Namgyal of Students for a Free Tibet France.