His Holiness Ends Australian Tour with Indigenous Rights Speech

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flash1906113755Dharamshala - His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet addressed a sell-out crowd who gathered in Perth yesterday to watch the spiritual leader speak. His eleven day tour of Australia was concluded with a ‘Songs for the Dalai Lama Concert' on Sunday the 19th of June.

The final leg of His Holiness the Dalai Lamas' Australia tour has ended in Perth, and saw thrilling performances from local Aboriginal dancers, who raised awareness on indigenous rights; a subject His Holiness is highly familiar with, as well as a music concert for Tibetan charities.

His Holiness divulged to the Perth audience his three main commitments in life. He also spoke of his interest in studying the relationship between Buddhist science and modern science, and stated that Tibetan monasteries have institutionalized science education in the last few years.

"The world has made great material developments in 20th century and in the last decade of 21st century. What is now needed is advancement in spirituality," said the Dalai Lama, adding, "it should be taught as a subject from kindergarten to university."

His Australian tour has witnessed 65,000 people attending his events across four cities in the past 11 days. A further 100,000 people have watched a live webcast of the visit.

A local Aboriginal dancer and activist welcomed thye spiritual leader playing traditional songs with his didgeridoo. Moved by his performance, His Holiness spoke for equality and human rights for the indigenous people in this country.

At lunch, His Holiness met with a group of business leaders in West Australia, the state with the strongest trade ties with China. He also took an opportunity to meet with the local Tibetan, Mongolian and Bhutanese communities.

Two weeks before His Holiness' visit to Perth, the Chinese consulate-general has reportedly put pressure on state members of parliament not to meet the Dalai Lama. In his media release, Senator Ludlam said:

"As strange as it may seem that the Chinese government is terrified of a 76 year-old Buddhist monk, this is not the first time they've tried this tactic. It would be useful for them to explain why they are urging democratically elected members of Parliament to not hear His Holiness speak."

The day concluded with the "Songs for the Dalai Lama" concert. Some of the big names in the music industry have given their time to celebrate His Holiness' journey and support Tibetan charities.

A photo exhibition of the Dalai Lamas life journey that began before his visit will continue for the next few weeks.

Tibetan leader His Holiness leaves Australia Monday, 20 June 2011.