His Holiness commences 4-Day teaching on Bodhisattva’s Way of Life

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HHDLM-Saranath-2013-07-JanuarySaranath: - The spiritual leader of Tibet, His Holiness the Dalai Lama has begun a 4-Day teaching on 'Shantideva's A guide to the Bodhisattava's Way of Life' at the Central University for Tibetan Studies (CUTS) at Sarnath Tuesday, January 7, 2013.

The teaching began with a group of Theravada monks reciting the Mangala Sutra in Pali, followed by a recitation of the Heart Sutra in Sanskrit by students of the Central University for Tibetan Studies.

"I feel fortunate to be able to give this teaching and you should think yourselves fortunate to be able to listen to it. This is not about listening in order simply to receive blessings. Nor is it a case of hearing the teaching once and then setting it aside. You have to study steadily, understand it and think about it again and again."

The Nobel Peace Prize laureate also pointed out during the teaching that while the Pali and Sanskrit traditions of Buddhism have the Monastic Discipline or Vinaya in common, Tibetan Buddhism seems to be the only tradition to employ logic. For this, the Tibetans are grateful to the Nalanda master Shantarakshita who helped establish the practice of Buddhism in Tibet and who was himself a master of philosophy and logic.

"When you are in trouble," His Holiness advised, "think of everyone else who is facing trouble and suffering. Think to yourself, 'May I take on the suffering of others until the ocean of suffering is dried up.' I don't mean to imply that I have any realization of bodhichitta, but I do have great admiration for it, I think about it every day and I am convinced it has brought me peace and happiness."

"On the other hand, it would be inappropriate to boast 'I have heard the Dalai Lama explain of the Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life so many times'. Nor is it appropriate to think of it as a potential means to gain money, power and influence. If we do that we'll merely be hypocrites posing as dharma practitioners with our minds set on wealth."

"Use your intelligence, Perfection of wisdom," said His Holiness on carved wood throne, giving four days of teachings on the Shantideva's text.

His Holiness received the transmission and explanation of this text, Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life, from the Kinnauri, Khunu Lama Tenzing Gyaltsen in Bodhgaya. However, the first teaching he received from him was his Praise to Bodhichitta in a sparse Hindu temple here in Sarnath, which Khunu Lama Rinpoche said was an ideal, quiet place to stay.

Over 30,000 people are currently attending the four-day discourse by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, including 7000 foreigners from 46 different countries across the globe, according to a report of the Central Tibetan Administration media.