Thousands of Tibetans stage mass peace rally in Delhi

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delhi-2013-jan-31-1New Delhi: Day 2 of 'Tibetan People's Solidarity Campaign' began with an interfaith prayer held from 1030 hours to 1230 hours at Rajghat. Religious leaders' representatives led the prayer meeting from Buddhist, Christain, Islam, Jain, Hindu, Sikh, Bahai and Jew faiths. H.E. Kirti Rinpoche, the religious head of Kirti Monasteries where more than 30 self-immolations took place along with over 700 Tibetan Buddhist monks took part in the prayer meeting that was attended by over 7000 people.

At 1230 hours, Sikyong, the Tibetan political leader and the Speaker of Tibetan Parliament in Exile (TPIE) led the rally joined in by Kalons (ministers), TPIE members and the public. The marchers marched from Samtha Sthal to Jantar Mantar carrying placards and raising slogans urging India and the international community to 'take urgent diplomatic action to end the crisis inside Tibet.'

From 1400 to 1630 hours, the crowd gathered at Jantar Mantar for a daylong sit-in. TPIE member Acharya Yeshi Phuntsok in his opening address in Hindi gave an overview of the 4-day 'Tibetan People's Solidarity Campaign' being held in Delhi and an insight into the role of Indian supporters and leaders for the Tibetan cause.

Representatives from various religious faiths spoke at the public event: Sanjay Singh from Gurudwara Krishna market representing Sikh faith, Bante Sumit Anand from Mahabodhi Society of India representing Buddhist faith, Farid Ahmed Nizami from Dargah Nizamuddin representing Sufi faith, Father Dominic from Sacred Heart Cathedral Archbishop House representing Christian faith and Tanveer Ahmed Sehar, ex chairman of Central Haj Committee India, representing Haj Faith.

Also Girish Jujal, founder of Anjuman Parjandani Hind representing Muslim Rashtryamancha and Monana Soeb kasmi, National President of Jamiad Ulema Hind addressed the gathering.

delhi-2013-jan-31-2Mr. Penpa Tsering, speaker of TPIE was the master of the ceremony for the daylong program that concluded at 1630 hours with chanting of slogans by the public and recitation of 'Prayers of the Words of Truth' led by artists from Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts (TIPA).

A public film screening of the film 'Tibet in Song' by Ngawang Choephel, took place at Ansara Auditorium, Jamia Islamia University at 1500 hours. Mr. Tempa Tsering , Delhi Representative of His Holiness the Dalai Lama spoke at the event and engaged in a post screening interactive question and answer session.

A panel discussion on 'Tibet: the current situation and its implications for India and China' organised by the Gandhi Peace Foundation was held at India International Centre from 1400 hours to 1700 hours. Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangay, Ven. Kirti Rinpoche, Lalit Mansingh, former Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs and Jayadeva Ranade, former Cabinet Additional Secretary were the key speakers at the discussion moderated by TPIE member Mr. Karma Chophel.