Governments must focus on China’s failed policies in Tibet

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Tibet-Lobby-Geneva-2013Geneva:- A Tibetan coalition team on a long lobbying effort in engaging with representatives of different countries highlighting China's atrocities on Tibet in ahead of it's Universal Periodic Review in October this year.

"As China's second Universal Periodic Review approaches, Tibetan activists converge on Geneva to highlight deteriorating situation in occupied Tibet," the Tibet lobby team said in a press statement issued on September 25.

"A lobby team, comprised of exiled Tibetan activists and a non-Tibetan activist representing a coalition of Tibet groups, are attending the current session of the United Nations Human Rights Council to hold face-to-face meetings with diplomats from all over the world, to press UN Member States to speak out for Tibet during China's Universal Periodic Review on 22 October,"

"Since China's last Review in 2009 the situation in Tibet has deteriorated significantly and looks set to continue on a downward spiral" said Migmar Dhakyel of Tibetan Youth Association Europe. "Governments cannot let this opportunity pass to put China's human rights practices under the microscope on an international stage. They must Stand Up for Tibet and ensure that China's disastrous policies are thoroughly scrutinized."

"Since China's last UPR review in 2009, international support for the need for strong, coordinated action on the situation in Tibet has been deepening, and the Universal Periodic Review process is an opportunity for governments to vigorously speak out for Tibet."

"Our governments must use the multilateral mechanism of the Universal Periodic Review to impress upon China the severity of their legitimate concerns about the human rights situation in Tibet" said Tenzin Gyamtso, Students for a Free Tibet France. "China needs to be put under the spotlight and held accountable as far as it can be, through being questioned as to why it continues to fail to meet international obligations or adhere to assurances that it will do so. Previous inaction by governments has allowed the crisis in Tibet to worsen, with now more than 120 individuals choosing to set light to themselves in protest against Beijing's brutal rule".

A global advocacy push by Tibetans and Tibet supporters is currently underway with activists raising Tibet on Foreign Ministries' agendas around the world, urging them to take multilateral action for Tibet, including using the Universal Periodic Review to demand that China address Tibetans' legitimate grievances.

"The current human rights crisis in Tibet is a result of 60 years of China's failed Tibet policies" said Tenzin Jigme of International Tibet Network. "The international community has so far failed in its responsibility to protect the people of Tibet. Now is the time to unite for Tibet and press China to forge real, lasting solutions to the Tibet situation which respect the human rights of the Tibetan people."

Tibet groups will be attending the United Nations Human Rights Council [until 27 September], the United Nations General Assembly in New York during the General Debate [24 September - 1 October] and observing China's Universal Periodic Review on 22 October.

According to the statement, 'a team of seven Tibetans and Tibet activists from Tibet groups in Europe, India and the US are in Geneva. The lobby team comprises of; Migmar Dolma, Tibetan Youth Association Europe, Dorjee Tsetan, Students for a Free Tibet- Asia Director, Padma Dolma Students for a Free Tibet- Europe Director, Iona Lidell Tibet Justice Center, Zopa Samten, Students for a Free Tibet, France and Gyamtso, Students for a Free Tibet, France.'

The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a mechanism of the Human Rights Council under which it reviews the performance of UN Member States against their human rights obligations and commitments.

Member Groups of the International Tibet Network issued a joint submission and recommendations to Session 17 of Universal Periodic Review People's Republic of China., The summary can be viewed at

The group stated, 'China rejected, without a single exception, every recommendation specifically representing Tibet or pertaining to freedom of expression, freedom of association, and independence of the judiciary.' More information please see:

International Tibet Network (ITN) describes itself 'as a coalition of more than 190 Tibet organisations dedicated to campaigning to end human rights violations in Tibet. Its purpose is to maximise the effectiveness of the worldwide Tibet movement.'

ITN is also 'dedicated to working actively to restore the Tibetan people's right under international law to determine their future political, economic, social, religious and Cultural status.'