Protection of Tibet’s ecology has global implications: Tibetan leader

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Tibet-India-Tenshuk-Prayer-Speech-2015-30Dharamshala — In his message to the "5th All India Tibet Support Groups Conference" held in Guwahati this week, the spiritual leader of Tibet, His Holiness the Dalai Lama said that "protection of Tibet's ecology has global implications."

The 5th All India Tibet Support Groups Conference, held once every three year, is attended by around 182 Tibet support groups from across India. The two-day conference, which held at the District Library auditorium, is organised by the Core Group of Tibetan Cause, India.

His Holiness conveyed his warm greetings to everyone participating in the 5th All India Tibet Support Groups Conference took place in Guwahati, Assam from November 2-3, 2015. The organisers said that "the purpose is to highlight the ever-growing repressive implementation of Chinese policies and worsening human rights situation in Tibet."

"We have been in exile for over 56 years, which is brief in terms of the history of a people, but in terms of one person's life may seem very long. Nevertheless, in the face of great hardship the spirit of Tibetans in Tibet remains very strong," wrote His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who fled into exile in India in 1959 after the Chinese occupation of Tibet.

"Geographical neighbours, India and Tibet also have strong, ancient cultural links. What's more, to this day, a significant number of Indians, living mostly in the Himalayan region, share religious and cultural traditions with Tibetans," His Holiness the Dalai Lama said in his message dated October 27, 2015.

"Historically we have regarded Indians as our gurus, while we were the disciples. However, down the centuries, we have proved to be reliable disciples because while the traditions of Nalanda University have faced ups and downs in India, they have been kept alive in Tibet," the Buddhist leader said.

"We have, for example, maintained an active understanding of the profound explanations of the workings of the mind and emotions, which we received from the masters of Nalanda University," His Holiness said, adding that "this understanding represents an advanced psychology that could be very useful if made more widely available today," the spiritual leader said.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama said that "the fragile natural environment of the Tibetan highlands is also of concern to all of us. The way the grasslands and extraction of minerals are managed affects how Tibetans live. However, the snow, glaciers and permafrost on the Tibetan plateau influence climate change comparable to the North and South Poles."

"In addition, several of Asia's great rivers, including those that flow across North India, rise in Tibet. They provide precious water to millions. Therefore, protection of Tibet's ecology has global implications," the message said.

"Several aspects of circumstances in Tibet remain of grave concern to me. As the status of the Tibetan language and identity is diminished there is a risk that Tibetan culture, a valuable culture of peace and non-violence, will degenerate. Similarly as inward Han migration continues and urbanization gathers pace.

His Holiness stressed to the conference, "Tibetans increasingly find themselves minorities in their own land. Consequently, international support for the Tibetan people, particularly the friendship and support of the Indian public, carries great significance."

"Furthermore, instigating historical research and convening conferences to discuss the role, status and relations between Asian states in the past could lay a firm foundation for strong, ongoing friendly relations in the future," states the message.

"I remain optimistic that a just solution to the Tibetan problem can be achieved. We need to keep up our determination and courage," His Holiness added, saying "Knowing that all of you attending the 5th All India Tibet Support Groups conference continue to stand by us is a source of great inspiration."