Tibet is Committed to Dialogue with China: His Holiness

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16november20101Tokyo: The Tibetan Nobel Laureate, who has met with the Japanese and foreign medias at various levels in different places During his 11 day visit to Japan. His Holiness said that it is wrong if the communist leaders think that Tibet issue will die with him, "Tibet has a long political, cultural and religious history, whereas Dalai Lama institution is only about 400 years old." His Holiness said.

Response to the political issue of Tibet, Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama has been able to made it clear to press and general public that Tibetans are committed to resolving the Tibet issue through dialogue and non-violence. His Holiness narrated the chronology of the events leading to the decision to adopt Middle-Way Approach in negotiating with the Chinese government, thus making Tibetans' demand for meaningful autonomy clear.

His Holiness welcomed the release of Burmese democratic leader, Ang San Suu Kyi and said that all the Noble Laureates are unanimous in supporting her quest for free and democratic Burma. His Holiness expressed word of support for Liu Xiaobo, and urged the Chinese government to pay heed to the public's voice and release Liu Xiaobo and his wife unconditionally. His Holiness praised the recent comments by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on freedom and democracy in China.

On Hu Jintao's concept of harmonious society, His Holiness said that it was very appreciable and very realistic approach, "but the method used to achieve this noble goal is totally wrong. Harmony should come from trust, and trust comes from mutual respect. Harmony cannot be imposed with force and guns." His Holiness said.

On world peace, His Holiness urged the people to work on internal disarmament first to make the external disarmament of nuclear weapon successful. His Holiness said that concept of "we and they" should be replaced to include all the 6 billion plus population of this world under one big family of "we". "Legacy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki will live long to educate the humanity on the destructive nature of nuclear weapon and wars." Said His Holiness.

To the monks and general public during the teachings, His Holiness said that whether one is believer or not, love and compassion is very important. "We all grew up from our childhood with love and compassion from our mother and the neighborhood. As far as Buddhist religion is concerned, faith and prayer is not the essence of Buddhist religion, proper understanding of the four Nobel Truth and Buddhist text is very important." His Holiness explained.

His Holiness appreciated the Japanese spirit of forgiveness after the Hiroshima tragedy, and their hard work in rebuilding their dilapidated nation to one of the most modern and developed countries. "Japanese people has great potential to contribute for peace and development, but in order to do it globally at wider scale, you need to learn English." He advised.

Japanese monks, general public and youngsters greatly appreciated the words of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Many said that it opened their eyes to look at the things from different perspective. Media coverage of His Holiness was conspicuous from the number of television programs and news paper coverage the visit received at various regions.

On several occasions, His Holiness expressed great satisfaction and thanked the hosts for their wholehearted effort in organizing those events.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama was invited by the Secretariat of World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates to attend the three-days World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates in Hiroshima city of Japan. Osaka Junior Chamber of Commerce also invited His Holiness the Dalai Lama to address one of its eight-days International Peace promotion workshop program. Apart from attending these two main events, His Holiness visited Nara and Niihama cities, where he conducted several teachings and talk to the monks and general public.

Considering the numbers of meaningful socio-religious events at various places, the visit can be said as very successful from the following point of view:-

-Talk with some 5000 people including participants from 29 countries, mainly youngsters at Osaka on "Peace initiatives by youth"

-Meeting with some 300 Korean monks, nuns and general public

-Meetings and public talk with Japanese monks at Todaiji, and public teaching to some 2000 gathering at Tadaiji Temple.

-Public discussion with a noted Japanese brain scientist Mogi Kenichiro on "Mind & Brain"

-Public teaching at Niihama city of Shikoku on Heart Sutra and Emptiness

-Public teaching to some 2000 gathering at Hiroshima on law of causality

-Participation in 11th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates three-days program at Hiroshima

Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the entourages left Tokyo Tuesday morning after the successful conclusion of eventful 11-days visit to Japan this month.