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Dharamshala: The Kanlho Intermediate Peoples Court today sentenced a Tibetan monk to life in prison, reports a verifiable source to the Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD). Numerous sources confirmed that Gannan (Tib: Kanlho) Intermediate People s Court sentenced Tsultrim Gyatso, a monk of Labrang Monastery to life in prison on the charge of jeopardizing national security. Tsultrim Gyatso, 37, hails from a village called Yig-jang, in Labrang (Ch: Sangchu) County, Gannan  Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture  ( TAP ), Gansu Province.

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Dharamsala: China arrested two Tibetan brothers from Karze who were actively involved in last year’s 18 March protest against Chinese oppression in Kardze County (Ch: Ganzi/Garze), which consisted of hundreds of Tibetans and left at least three people dead. Tenpa, age 30, and his younger brother Jamdo, age 25, are farmers from Rapa Village, Zakhog Township, Karze County, Karze TAP, Sichuan Province. They had been on the run for more than a year prior to their arrest in Jekundo at the beginning of this month, according to information received by the Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD).

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Dharamsala: Chinese authorities arrested eleven Tibetan villagers from Rongsum Village of the Rongsum Township in Dayke Jodha County, eastern Tibet. Among the incarcerated were Rinchen Dorjee and Choesang, who were transported to Chamdho Town on account of their alleged involvement in a serious crime.

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Dharamsala: Life in Dawa Sonam’s monastery was rigid; he had to be granted a commission even for water. The older monks told stories of how the Chinese had destroyed 6,000 monasteries in Tibet. The Tibetan public until then had succeeded in rebuilding only a few. One day he and two of his friends left their village to demonstrate in Lhasa, Tibetan capital for a free Tibet.  His friends where aged fifteen and sixteen. He was seventeen years old at the time.

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Dharamsala: The Department of Information and International Relations (DIIR) held a Press Conference at 11:00 this morning in Dharamsala, around 25 Indian, foreign and Tibetan journalist attended the event which introduced by Mr. Sonom Dakpo, Secretary of the DIIR. It featured five Tibetan monks from the Labrang Monastery who initiated and voluntarily engaged in the peaceful protest in Labrang, Tibet on March 14, 2008: Kelsang Jinpa, age 39, Gedun Gyatso, age 37and Jamyang Jinpa, age 24, from Sangchu County, Jigme Gyatso of Badzong County, age 22, and Lobsang Gyatso of Yulgan County, age 24.

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Dharamshala: The five monks are dressed in layman’s clothes temporarily, also temporary are their weather beaten faces, and exhausted stares.  These five men arrived from Tibet via the Himalayas and Nepal three days ago; for the second time they reveal to international media the human rights offenses that occur daily inside Tibet.  Last year when they found themselves in front of cameras they were afraid of the ramifications of telling the truth, now they are guests of Tibetans in exile including Central Executive Committee of Dhomay (CED) and safely in India there is no reason for them to fear physical harm.

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Dharamshala: Three Tibetans from Ngaba district, eastern Tibet who were suspected of being involved in the March peaceful demonstrations were sentenced between 3 to 4 years prison terms by Chinese court in Zoge District, eastern Tibet. The Chinese authorities moved them to various detention centers and exposed Chinese brutality and beatings in the region after their arrests.

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