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Dharamshala: - The current situation still remains tense in Ngaba region of eastern Tibet as the Chinese authorities continue to arrest Tibetan monks. Thousands of armed Chinese police and paramilitary forces were deployed and foreign reporters have been banned from entering Tibet since the protests following Phuntsok's self-immolation which coincident with the 3rd anniversary of violent protests against Chinese rule in Tibet.

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Dharamshala: - Losang Khedrup, a 39 year-old monk of Kirti monastery was arrested on 6 May without any valid reason and his whereabouts remain unknown, said monks of Kirti Monastery in exile.

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Dharamshala: - The standoff at the Kirti monastery continues as Chinese authorities arrested Lobsang Rinchen, a 21-year-old monk from the monastery in Ngaba regionof Eastern Tibet. Rinchen is believed to be a native of Tsamring Tsang house in pastoral division no.2 of Me'uruma Township in Ngaba.

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Dharamshala: - Around April 22, the students' textbooks and other reading matter were raid by Chinese authorities, and any books not endorsed by the government were confiscated and burned, according to a latest Tibet report. Students were warned that they are not allowed to possess any book without an official stamp of approval. The many students who come from Ngaba county were told that they may not return to their homes for an indefinite period, and would not be allowed to return there during the summer vacation.

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Dharamshala: - Tibetan monk and writer Sherab Gyatso, who has hitherto been assumed missing, has recently been told to be held incarcerated in Chengdu, province of Sichuan writes Indian-based public talk webpage khabdha.

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Dharamshala: - In a recent turn of events at the Kirti monastery in Ngaba County, two monks were, on May 2nd, sentenced to three years of imprisonment each. The monks are Lobsang Dhargye, 31, and Kunchok Tsultrim, 33, both from the province of Amdho. The two monks were both sentenced by the so-called People's Court of Ngaba county and transported away to serve their time in undisclosed locations.

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Dharamshala: - Lobsang Palden, a local Tibetan official of Thangjuk township, Dege Dzakhog county, eastern Tibet ( Ch: Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan), has been arrested after he drawing slogans calling for freedom in Tibet and long life His Holiness the Dalai lama.

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