Donations made to the orphanage in Kyigudo

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22may20101Dharamshala:The daughter of the 10th panchen lama, Ms Rigzin Wangmo said on the 22nd of April in an emotional address to the people of the earth quake affected regions of Kyigudo in the eastern area of Tibet that "she would forever keep the people of Tibet in her heart, and would never forget that in spirit and in blood that she was Tibetan.

Tsangpa Tulku yuntenphuntsok, Sakya Tulku Dawa Tsering, Bashi Loten are the lamas or spiritual leaders from the Lithang County of eastern Tibet visited the earthquake affected area of Kyigudo and donated 20,000 Yuan to the Kyagu monastery in the region, 30,000 Yuan to the earth quake victims, and also donated 70,000 Yuan to a local school for orphans. They also said that they hoped to donated between 10 to 50,000 Yuan annually to the orphanage school in Kyigudo.

Ms Rigzin Wangmo said that she went to meet the victims of this great natural tragedy not as an official with a post of high standing, but as a normal Tibetan there to express her solidarity with the people of this disturbed region, she also visited the orphanage and school at Kyigudo.

At the school for orphans, Ms Wangmo said that she related with the children because she herself was an orphan and could also understand their pain, but then she also encouraged the students to study hard and achieve their goals and aspirations and also warned against disappointing the people who had hopes riding on their success.

The people of Kyigudo prayed for the well being and long life of Dr Wangmo, they also spoke of the respect and belief they had for Ms. Wangmo's father the 10th Panchen Lama, and when the 3 lamas from lithang county asked the doctor not to forget them with time,Ms Wangmo replied very emotionally that ,her father was very very important for the Tibetan people, because he promoted Tibetan education and culture and also said that the blood of her father and Tibet flowed through her veins.