Over 1000 monks, nuns expelled, forced patriotic reeducation in Tibet

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Tibet-Patriotic-Re-education-Konpo-2016Dharamshala — As official demolition of Larung Gar Buddhist Academy in Serta County in eastern Tibet continues, Chinese authorities have expelled over 1000 monks and nuns from Larung Gar Buddhist Academy and forcing them to "participate in patriotic re-education" campaign.

"Over 1000 monks and nuns were expelled from Larung Gar Buddhist Academy in Serta since August this year, that includes 400 who had originally come from Amdo Golok County, 300 from Kham Yulshul County, and another 300 from Kham Riwoche in Chamdo County," an exile Tibetan source told the Tibet Post International (TPI), citing contacts in the region.

On September 30, over 700 monks and nuns were expelled from Larung Gar Buddhist Academy, that includes 400 from Golok County and 300 from Yulshul County, the source said.

In September, over 300 monks and nuns expelled from Larung Gar Buddhist Academy, reportedly detained by Chinese police, when they were returned to their homes in Kham Riwoche, Chamdo County, eastern Tibet, but the exact place where they were held unknown.

"Similarly, several were detained by police in Dza Sershul County when they were returning to their home in September. However it is unknown whether they were forced to participate in 'patriotic re-education' campaign," the same source told TPI, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Under the patriotic re-education program, hundreds of the expelled monks and nuns who had come from Kham Riwoche, may have to be forcefully moved to a place in Kongpo region in August and reportedly provided instruction on the Chinese government's official version of Tibet's history as well as religious policy and the law, the source added.

According to the same source, those who expelled from Larung Gar Buddhist Academy are now forced to participated in a "Patriotic re-education" campaign in Nyingtri Township, Kongpo region ( Ch: g?ngbù dìq?) in Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) since August.

"After a two month 'patriotic re-education' campaign imposed upon them by local Chinese authorities in Kongpo Nyingtri County, over 100 monks and nuns then returned to their respective homes . But several others still being held and forced to participate in the re-education campaign after expelled from Larung Gar," the further added.

The demolition order states 'final population of 5,000 can include no more than 1,000 people from other provinces and their respective names will be recorded and registered separately. Out of the total 5000 residents, 3500 will be monks and nuns at Larung Gar monastery and the remaining will be students at the institute.'

'In 2016, 2,200 people have to leave" including 1,200 monks and nuns, of which 600 must be "from other provinces. A total of 1,500 residences are to be destroyed by 30 October 2016, including "old age homes and nuns' hostels,' the government order stated.

'The reduced population must reach 5,000 by 30 September 2017 otherwise "the number of those to be expelled will be increased'. The order further continues, "The government will strictly check the numbers and residences of expulsees."

The Chinese authorities have been conducting intense and rigorous "Patriotic re-education" campaign in religious institutions in all parts of Tibet since 2008, forcing monks and nuns to sign the official documents to denounce His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Tibet was invaded by Communist China in 1949. Since that time, over 1.2 million out of 6 million Tibetans have been killed, over 6000 monasteries have been destroyed— the acts of murder, rape and arbitrary imprisonment, torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment were inflicted on the Tibetans inside Tibet, Beijing calls a "peaceful liberation".