Tibet's senior monk in police custody appeals calm: Eight arrested

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Kartse-Tibet-2014Dharamshala: - Emerging reports coming out Tibet say, Khenpo Kartse, 38, a respected Tibetan monk who is in Chinese police custody has urged his fellow Tibetans to remain calm, after a clash between Tibetans and Chinese police occurred.

Khenpo Tsultrim Gyurmey from Tanak monastery in Nangchen county was arrested by Chinese authorities on 29 November. He was accused of disrupting social order after he called for the need to preserve Tibetan religion and culture. His arrest sparked a number of protests in the area.

Ven Tsultrim was reportedly released after the local Tibetans held massive protest against their arbitrary arrest. But, His release came under the condition that he is to report himself to the police station for regular political indoctrination classes from provincial and county authorities.

"Hearing about his arrest by Chinese authorities in Chengdu, over 4,000 people from 30 townships protested in front of the local administrative office, demanding his release," The Tibet Post International (TPI News) reported on 11 December.

"Khenpoe Kartse also reportedly released, but he was later handed over to the Chamdo security officials, sources said. "Later 16 Tibetans are being held for protesting for his release after a clash between the authorities and his supporters occured in Karma township."

"Chinese authorities had suspected him of involvement in anti-state activities in Karma town in the Chamdo (Chinese: Qamdo) county, Tibet Autonomous Region prefecture," Sonam, a Tibetan living in exile told TPI News, citing contacts in the region.

"I've heard about a recent clash between local Chinese police and Tibetans. I strongly urge you all to make sure this type of incident do not happen again," Khenpo Kartse, 38, said in a letter dated Dec. 27 and reportedly sent from Chinese jail in Chamdo.

"I appeal to you all to be more tolerant in dealing with the issue and maintain a good relation with the local authorities. Please find a solution to end the crisis and restard the normal routine of studies," Ven Kartse, who is orginally from Nangchen (Chinese: Nanjian) county, eastern Tibet stated.

"Finally, I urge all of you to be calm to handle the issues presistently, but don't be fidgety, no matter what may occur," he further added.

The appeal came six days after Chinese authorities in the Yulshul County (Chinese: Yushu prefecture of Qinghai province) of Kham region, eastern Tibet detained 16 Tibetans who protested to demand for the release of their respected teacher.

Letter-from-Khenpo-Kartse-tpiVen Kartse, was arrested by the Chamdo security authorities on 6 December, 2013 in Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province, when he reportedly went to buy a Buddhist statue for his monastery in Nangchen county.

The Tibetan monk, who was highly respected among Tibetans for his efforts to protect and promote the Tibetan culture continues to remain in Chinese detention in Chamdo since his arrest last month.

According to sources with knowledge of the situation, "eight Tibetans have been arrested in  Karma township, Chamdo county over their alleged involvement to a campaign calling for unity among Tibetans."

Barlo Yungdrung, Dhanma Tratop, Ngora Tashi Namgyal, Draktsa Dorjee Rigzin, and Yibnub Sonam Nyima were detained in Karma township, on 5 January, where a Tibetan religious figure has been accused with illegal role involving anti-state activities.

"The five detained Tibetans were identified as  Phuntsok Namgyal, Pema Tsultrim and Dorjee Lodoe. They were arrrested on January 3, after several Chinese authorities arrived in the town and started raiding the local houses. Many of them after being severely beaten by the authorities.

Kartse or Karma Tsewang, who is also a well known social worker in the Yulshul area, particularly his active role in relief efforts following a devastating earthquake hit the region on 14 April 2010.

local sources say that "Chinese officials target Tibetan spiritual figures who advocate the preservation and promotion of Tibetan culture and religion."

"After six decades of Chinese occupation, Tibetans are still subject to arbitrary arrests and detentions, torture, and the erosion of language and cultural rights, unlike any other regions in the world," Nyima T.J, a Tibetan political analyst in exile said, adding "China is damaging it's own reputation and image."