Images show China Continues its crackdown on Tibet mine protest

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Dzatoe-Tibet-Mining-2013Dharamshala: - Since August, the situation remains very tense in Yulshul County, Kham region of eastern Tibet over the past several weeks, after a massive crackdown carried out by armed Chinese military forces to disperse Tibetans peacefully protesting against gold mining in the region.

Latest photos and video clip receiving from the region show hundreds of armed Chinese police and paramilitary forces marching in Dzatoe areas of Yulshul County to warn of further crackdown. "No locals are allowed to go into the mining areas of Dzatoe County. The areas are still carefully surrounded by the security forces," sources said.

A short video clip has surfaced online which show many large trucks loaded with full of Chinese military forces arriving in the region. "Around 12 military trucks arrived in the county. The military trucks however sudenly disappeared. We do not know where the Chinese military forces are hiding right now," sources added.

Local Chinese authorities warned of severe punishment including arrest and imprisonment if the Tibetans continued to protest. "The Chinese authorities were questioning local Tibetans. Each local was called in and questioned about the incident."

"They were specifically asked for the names of the persons who led in the planning of the protest and demanding of stop to mining," Ven Konchok told The Tibet Post International (TPI News), citing sources in the region.

Some other photos show mining drilling equipments and large range of pipes are in place in the areas. "The gold mining is started in the Dzatoe, cause to grow the anger of the public over the mining of their sacred mountain," source TPI News, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Dzatoe-Tibet-Mining-2013-1"Over 1,000 Tibetans gathered to protest against the mining activities in each of the three sacred Buddhist sites in the County in the past month. The massive military crackdown followed a tense confrontation between local Tibetan protestors and Chinese miner workers at three sacred Buddhist sites having gold reserves in Dzatoe in Yulshul County August 13.

The protestors were severely beaten by Chinese security forces with gun butts and hurling tear gas to disperse the peaceful protesting against diamond mining in Yulshul County in eastern Tibet. The situation remains tense in the county, as there is a growing anger over the severe crackdown,"

"Local Tibetans are concerned that the mining activities are not sanctioned by the Central government officials and that they could trigger environmental problems, including pollution. Protesters raised their hands and shouted slogans such as "stop the destruction of the environment", while putting up large banners displaying President Ju Jintao and his recent environment speech," Ven Konchok told The Tibet Post International (TPI), citing sources in the region.

The Central Tibetan Administration said it has "repeatedly called on China to ensure active participation of Tibetan people in all decision-making process and that social, environmental and cultural impacts assessment are carried out."