Two monks die of self-immolation protests in Tibet: Toll jumps to 117

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woeser-dawa-2013Dharamshala: – Emerging reports from Tibet say two Tibetan monks have died on Wednesday after setting themselves ablaze as self-immolation protests against China's hardline and repressive policies on Tibet.

"The two monks, Konchok Woeser, 20 and Lobsang Dawa, 23 have died after setting themselves ablaze near the main prayer hall of Taktsang Lhamo Kirti Monastery in Ngaba county of north-eastern Tibet (Chinese: Aba, Sichuan province) at approximately 6.30pm local time on April 23 in protest against the continued religious repression by the Chinese government," according to the latest sources from the region.

Lobsang Dawa was from Zaru Manma village, Dzoge county and Kunchok Woeser was a native of Tsako village, Kirti Kachukha township, in Ngaba, according to Kanyak Tsering, a media coordinator from the Dharamshala, India based Kirti Monastery.

"Their bodies were then taken to the monastery shortly after the incidents, where traditional Buddhist prayer services are held by monks," Tsering further added.  "The local Chinese authorities already have ordered monks Wednesday evening to cremate their bodies in the morning tomorrow," sources added.

The monastery, Loling Geden Tashi Kyil is situated around 140 kms from north-west Dzoge county of Ngaba, was founded by 5th Kirti Rinpoche, Lobsang Tenpe Gyaltsen in 1748. Over 700 Buddhist monk students are currently studying at four monasteries of the monastery: Philosophy, Tantra, Kalachakra, and medical.

Ngaba county of Amdho region of Tibet has been the scene of a heavy military lock-down since death of a 20-year-old Tibetan monk called Phuntsok in March 2011.

According to several reports from the region, the monastery has been under strict surveillance and subject to 'patriotic re-education' sessions led by the Chinese authorities.

Many of the self-immolators have called out for the return of the spiritual leader of Tibet His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet and freedom for Tibetan people.