Several Thousands Take to Streets in Call for Policy Change in Tibet

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9-November-2012-004Dharamshala: - Following wave of self-immolation incidents in the region, thousands of people, including students and monks took to the main street of Rongpo Gyalthang township, Rebkong county, north-eastern Tibet to protest against Chinese repressive policies in Tibet.

Over 5,000 Tibetans, including students from three schools in the county marched to the main street of Rongpo Gyalthang township on Friday early morning (Around 5am local time, October 9, 2012). Later they all gathered at the Dolma ground, infront of Rongpo monastery in Rebkong county, north-eastern Tibet (Chinese: Qinghai province), said sources inside Tibet.

"Latest photos from the region show, large gatherings of several thousand Tibetans, including students in the Thunrin county, (Friday morning, November 09, 2012) to express and show their strong solidarity with those Tibetans who have set themselves on fire to protest against Chinese policies in Tibet.

Another latest source inside Tibet received by The Tibet Post International stated that as many as 10,000 people, including students from three major schools of the county, "reportedly" gathered at a ground located near the Rongpo monastery, shouted slogans against Chinese violations on human rights and harsh repression in Tibet.

Sources said that the youth gathering has been increasing in numbers, offering loud recitation of prayers for the long life of their spiritual leader, His Holiness the Dalai Lama and shouting slogans such as "Equal rights for Tibetans, rights of Tibetan language preservation, Freedom in Tibet, unity among the Tibetan people, and the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet."

Although, this peaceful demonstration came after four Tibetans, including a young woman, calling for freedom in Tibet, set themselves on fire as China readied to showcase its 18th Communist Party Congress.

The latest is movement of the Tibetan students, as the majority of protesters are studens from four counties (Thunrin, Chantsa, Tsekhog and Hinan) of Malho and its capital Rebkong, as well as the surrounding areas, currently studying in major schools of Rebkong, sources said.

Over 6,000 people gathered in the earlier evening, later around 10,000 including high school students and nomads from neighboring areas, reportedly gathered in Thunrin township of Rebkong (Chinese: Tongren, Guizhou) on Thursday afternoon after two self-immolation protests - a 23-year-old mother on Wednesday and a teenage boy on Thursday. They step up their protests against Chinese rule, shouted slogans, demanding the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama from exile and freedom in Tibet.

The situation in Rebkong is reportedly becoming more critical as tense after the Chinese authorities had imposed heavy restrictions on the local Tibetans. It said, a large number of armed Chinese military forces being deployed as well as propaganda teams.

Armed Chinese police in paramilitary vehicles also stepped up patrols in the areas increasingly and surrounding areas to prevent anti China protests. However, sources said Friday that there was no clash between local Tibetans and Chinese forces erupted yet.

On Friday evening (6-7pm local time), hundreds of Tibetan students from the Qinghai University for Nationalities in Xining city, Qinghai province organised a prayer service and Candle Vigil to show their solidarities with those Tibetans who have sacrificed their lives for Tibet and its people.

The 18th CPC National Congress started Thursday and 2,325 delegates will elect the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and a new leadership in power. Its old policy as Chinese ruling party will remains same. However, some Tibetans say there are hopes for a political reform in Tibet after appointing the new Chinese leaderships.