Twelve Tibetan Monks Arrested in Dzachukha of Tibet Update

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20october2012-001Dharamshala: - Chinese authroties have detained twelve Tibetan monks in connection with a Tibetan flag raising protest in the Sershul Dzachukha county of Eastern Tibet.

Lhudup, who is around 40 years old monk from Wonpo monasery was arrested by Chinese police on October 18, 2012 after dozens of Chinese police arrived at the monastery. Lhudup normally looks after the electronics and machines of the monastery.

Lobsang Dupsal and Lobsang Tharchin were arrest on the afternoon of the same day. The authorities took away their documents with 30 articles in the Tibetan language after raiding their rooms.

In October 2012, the authorities arrested seven monks from the monastery, including Sozang, the clerk of the monastery, Sonyi, a teacher, and Wangyal.

"A total of twelve Tibetan monks of Wonpo monastery have been detained, including five monks on Monday, 15th October.

"Dividing monks into two groups, an investigation was carried out by the authorities on Friday afternoon, 19th October to search those who drew the Tibetan national flag and wrote slogans on the leaflets. They invsgated the each and every monk by looking at their handwritting," said Jampa.

"A member from each family were ordered to attend a meeting on Tuesday, October 16th, 2012, but authorities did not mention to them what the meeting was about," said Ven Jampa Yonten from Sera Monastery in South India, (citing sources from inside).

"On October 15, 2012, Monday night, several armed Chinese police and paramilitary forces arrived in the County and blocked the exits and cut all communication channels.

"The authorities also warned the local Tibetans against carrying out protests during political re-education sessions, which they said will be carried out in the area soon," Jampa said.

"However, it seems, the military forces already pulled back from the region," he added.

According to sources from inside Tibet, "the Chinese authorities had imposed heavy restrictions on Tibetans in the county, after pulling down a Chinese flag at a school in the area, raising the Tibetan national flag and distributing leaflets calling for Tibet's freedom."