Expressions of Support for Tibetan Cause in Kham Region

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10 september 2012 002Dharamshala: Two acts of defiance against the Chinese authorities have recently taken place in the Kham region of Tibet.


On the night of September 7, a Tibetan flag was raised by unidentified individuals at the Bonpo Township school in Zachu County (Kham region, Eastern Tibet).

Jamyon, a monk from Sera Monastery in South India, sent the latest information on the incident saying that the Chinese flag was lowered during the night and the Tibetan flag raised in its place. Concurrently, many hand-written flyers with the slogan "Free Tibet" were thrown all over the school's grounds.

The next day, according to Jamyon, local Chinese officials removed the flag and are currently looking for the individuals who staged the incident.

On September 5, a Tibetan business woman, Soyak (40), was arrested for encouraging other Tibetans to participate in the Lhakar movement.

Lhakar, or 'White Wednesday' is a self-reliance movement that started after the 2008 Tibetan uprising. Each Wednesday, Tibetans make a special effort to wear traditional clothes, speak their own language, eat in Tibetan restaurants and shop at Tibetan-owned businesses.

Information about the arrest was received from Kynrab Nyima, a resident of Dharamshala, northern India. He explained that Soyak is the daughter of well-known businessman Namsi Lhakyab, and that she has always been active in the Tibet cause. Nyima reported that, and every Wednesday - Wednesday being the day of Dalai Lama's birth - she followed the Tibetan tradition of doing good deeds.

Nyima continued that business people, including Soyak, were trading traditional Tibetan jewelry and caterpillar fungus in Yak Square, Yushu County, where they also decided to wear traditional clothing every Wednesday to show their support for peaceful resistance. When Soyak met Tibetans who were not participating in this activity, she reportedly encouraged them to engage more with this special occasion.

Shortly after her actions, at 6pm, Soyak was arrested and taken away by police officers.