Two Teens Set Themselves Alight In Tibet To Protest China

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Dharamshala: - Two Tibetans have set themselves on fire Monday morning at around 08.30 am, August 27, 2012 (Tibet Time) in Ngaba county, north-eastern Tibet (Chinese: Aba Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province) to protest agianst China to ends its repressive policies in Tibet.

There were no immediate details of the two self-immolators who have set themselves alight in Tibet, Ven Jamyang, a Tibetan monk, who is currently living in Nepal told The Tibet Post International (TPI) Monday morning.

A web conversation with a Tibetan lady inside Tibet, a Tibetan man from Ngaba county, currently living in Nepal was being told about the incident in Ngaba county. "He told people near him that two laypersons have self-immolated this morning at the main street in Ngaba county of Tibet," Jamyang further added. However, there were no further details at that time.

Ven Lobsang Yeshe and Kanyak Tsering, media coordinators of the Kirti Monastery based in India issued a press release later that day confirming the incident with detals; the Two men are confirmed dead after they set themselves on fire in Ngaba county of Amdho region, north-eastern Tibet to protest against Chinese policies aim to destroy Tibet's unique national, cultural and religious identity.

They told the TPI that, an 18 years old Lobsang Kalsang, a monk from the Kirti monastery in Ngaba, and a layperson named Dhamchoe, who is at his 17, managed to stands up to run for around twenty steps before falling down.

Sources from inside Tibet said two young men were taken to a hospital in Barkham county by Chinese authrities after they put out the flames and later died from massive burn injuries.

Recent months, more armed Chinese forces have been deployed to Ngaba county and surrounding areas, the site of several such self-immolations and attempts. Nearly 60 Tibetan have set themselves on fire in recent years in Tibet in protest at repressive government policies. But, the Chinese authorities have labeled the self-immolators as terrorists.

The political leader of Tibet, Dr. Lobsang Sangay recently said he was disappointed that dozens of self-immolations by Tibetans have not received the same world attention as the similar suicide of a Tunisian man that sparked the Arab Spring.

Dr Sangay strongly urged world governments to pay attention to the plight of Tibetan people. "Ignoring us or not supporting us might send a message to other marginalized groups around the world that perhaps it is not worth investing in democracy and non-violence," he added.