Chinese Police Threaten Four Tibetans At Gun Point

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15 august 2012 002Dharamshala: On August 13, four Tibetans from Sangay village, Rebkong County in Amdo region of eastern Tibet, were on their way home, when they were threatened at gun point by Chinese police.

“Shawo Tsering, Konchok Nyina, Sangye and Konchok Norbu were in a vehicle, getting back to their village that evening, when they were stopped by Chinese police officials. They were initially threatened at gun point and after, were harshly beaten by the officials for no reason.” said a source.

“The four were injured due to the beating and the police also went on to damage their vehicle.” added the source.

Shawo Tsering and Konchok Nyina were arrested and taken to the police station, where the beating continued.

After getting wind of this incident, on August 14, more than a hundred young men from Sangay village staged a protest on the streets and in front of the local police station.  They held up banners and posters that read “Police beat the people” in Chinese and Tibetan.

During the protest the police officials refused to come out of the station and took pictures of the protestors from within their four walls.

The local Tibetans expressed that if the Chinese government refused to acknowledge the incident and bring the perpetrators to justice, then they would continue to protest on the streets, till they were heard.

Later that day, the head of the local Chinese government made a statement. He apologized to the Tibetan people and said that within the next two days they would make a clear and just decision. And if the accused officials were found guilty, then he would release them from their duties, effective immediately.

After his announcement all the Tibetan protestors dispersed.

On the evening of August 14, residents from Sangay and three other neighbouring villages gathered to meet the local police officials, who came to discuss the incident that took place the day before.

The four men that were injured were also brought to the discussion.

The local villagers concluded the meeting stating that the government officials needed to come to a just decision or they would continue to protest.

This is just another incident, in a string of many violations that Tibetans have to face on a daily basis, as China refuses to acknowledge or take responsibility for their actions.