New Instances of China Denying Tibetans Their Rights

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6august2012-004Dharamshala:- According to recent reports by Tibetan news agencies, a monk was denied representation by lawyers that were appointed by his family. Instead, the Chinese authorities completed his trial using government-appointed lawyers.

Jigme Gyatso, a monk from Labrang monastery in the Kanlho (Chinese: Gannan) prefecture of China’s Gansu province, was repeatedly detained and let out over the last six years by Chinese authorities. However, no one has heard from him after his last arrest on 20 August 2011 in Tsoe city, Amdo region of eastern Tibet.

In early February of this year Jigme’s brother, Sonam Tsering, received a notice dated January 2 from Kanlho Public Security Bureau, informing him that Jigme Gyatso had been formally charged for instigating people to protest and speak out against Chinese authority. The monk’s family was invited to respond to the notice within 24 hours, but the notice was a month late.

The notice also stated that the local police arrested him as soon as they got permission from the government on 15 January 2012.  However, the monk was detained five months prior.

On 12 July 2012, Jigme Gyatso’s family appointed two Beijing-based rights lawyers, Wang Yajun from the Beijing Gehang law firm and Zhang Kai from the Yijia law firm.

They traveled to Gansu to investigate the jailed monk’s case. However, they were informed by the authorities that Lama Jigme had already been tried by the Gannan People’s Court and that the court had appointed two local lawyers to represent him. Thus, no lawyers from Beijing were needed.

Denied permission to defend their client, the two lawyers returned to Beijing. Due to lack of sufficient evidence the court has not been able to sentence him yet, said sources.

The reports also said that Jigme Gyatso is currently in hospital as his heath condition is very poor.

Restaurant “Asked” To Take Down Photographs Of Famous Free Tibet Supporters

On 3 August 2012, police from Mangra County in Amdo region of eastern Tibet “asked” a Tibetan restaurant, Tsongla, to take down photographs of famous Free Tibet supporters.

The restaurant walls were mounted with photographs of famous Tibetan writes, poets, thinkers and other contributors.

The police informed the owners that they were not allowed to put up such pictures and if they were not taken done immediately the restaurant would not be allowed to entertain patrons the following day.

The officials especially had an issue with a photograph of Tibetan writer, Shadu Rinsang, who wrote the famous article, “My Land and Peaceful Liberation.”

The authorities considered him a scammer and a criminal and thus proclaiming his name in Tibetan society was not allowed.

They also wanted his picture taken down because they had a problem with the caption that was written under the photograph. The officials considered it to be politically incorrect.

Shadu Rinsang is from Shadu village in Mangra County of Amdo region. He has written several articles about the Tibet issue, his most famous being, “My Land and Peaceful Liberation.” He was first arrested in 2006 for publishing this piece and then later in 2009.

At the time of his detention he was beaten harshly by the Chinese authorities. This resulted in him suffering from brain damage that rendered him incapable of normal functioning. After this he was released into the custody of his parents.

He is now incapable of taking care of himself and has to be looked after by his family.