Another Tibetan Man “Disappears” After Staging Protest

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Dharamshala: On July 22, a high ranking Chinese official from Chamdo prefecture visited Gojon County of Kham region in eastern Tibet.  During the visit a man named Ngawang staged a protest on the street through which the official passed.

At the protest he waved the Tibetan flag as well as distributed prayer flags. Ngawang also shouted out slogans for “A long life for His Holiness the Dalai Lama” and “Immediately putting an end to torturing Tibetans”. He urged Tibetans to stop fighting amongst themselves and courageously stand with him to protest.

Soon after the incident the local Chinese police arrested Ngawang and took him away. Witnesses believe however, that the consequences to the incident should be decided not by the local police but by the officials from Chamdo prefecture or Lhasa.

Ngawang health condition or whereabouts still remain unknown. He came from Tekar Village of Bholo Township in Gojon County and his family name is Lonagtsang.

The current situation in Tibet has been worsening on a daily basis with a series of tragic self-immolations followed by a Chinese crack down on basic freedoms. "Regarding the present tragic situation in Tibet, the Chinese people always keep silent, because we are Tibetans from Tibet, not Chinese from China,” said Mr. Nyima T.J. a Tibetan political analyst.

The deadly crackdowns that followed Tibet-wide uprisings in 2008, have killed hundreds of Tibetans, and thousands of others were arrrested or disappeared after demanding more cultural and religious freedom. "Under Hu's repressive policies Tibetans face “cultural genocide” which has led to a series of tragic self-immolations," he stressed.

Hu Jintao's call for the creation of a 'harmonious society' has became "empty promises of political reforms in China" and what he brought was "violence and bloodshed" in Tibet. "Beijing will never sucessed and win over the hearts and minds of Tibetan people under machine guns' control, until their demands are met," Mr. Nyima added.