Thirty Year Old Tibetan Dies In Prison Under Physical Duress

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13june2012-004Dharamshala: Through our sources, news has arrived that recently in a Tibetan man named Karwang was arrested by the Chinese police in Nyagrong County in Kham, eastern Tibet. He was arrested, physically tortured and killed eventually.

He was 36 years old and his father's name is reported to Jega. Before his arrest, he hosted a fair about Tibetan's country and the Dalai Lama's return to Tibet.

In Nagrong County, the Chinese Government was planning to construct new buildings on farming land and Karwang wanted to protest against them. He stuck fliers on walls with slogans such as 'Tibet is a free county', 'We need freedom', 'His Holiness the Dalai Lama should return to Tibet'.

When he heard news of the Chinese Hovernment wanting to arrest him, he ran away from home. A Khampo nearby was giving teachings and he hid there for two days and then went back home.

But immediately after his return, the Chinese Police came to arrest him. They didn't explain their reasons for arrest to his family members.

They took him to a prison in Nagrong County and under physical torture due to which he died. After eight days, the police called his family and told them to come and collect his corpse. Even after his death, the Police went to house and questioned his family and relatives.

Human Rights Watch in its 'World Report 2012' noted that China, despite of its human rights plan, continues to be an "authoritarian one-party state that imposes sharp curbs on freedom of expression, religion; openly rejects judicial independence and press freedom; and arbitrarily restricts and suppresses human rights defenders and organisations, often through extra-judicial measures."