Chinese Authorities Arrest Four Monks in Ba County, Eastern Tibet

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26 april 2012 006

Dharamsala: On the evening of April 14, Dendol, the 40-year-old abbot of Ba Shentri monastery, Ba County, Qinghai province, eastern Tibet, was detained along with three other monks by Chinese police. The reason for their arrests is unknown.

The Chinese military surrounded the monastery and are keeping it under 24-hour surveillance. Around 50 Chinese police and officials entered the monastery to conduct a ‘re-education' programme.

Earlier, on March 18, around 1,000 local Tibetans protested against the Chinese government and more than 50 arrests were made. Most have now been released but 14 monks remain in custody: Tsultrim Rinchen, Yeshe Dorje, Sherib Palsang, Pema Rigzin, Jamchup Norbu, Shenpen Thaye, Chogle Namgyal, Tenzin Rangsher, Soepa Gyaltsen, Lobsang, Jamchup Gyaltsen, Guru Dorje, Jamyang Gyatso and Gedun Choepal.

The monks are being held in the county court where they are undergoing a ‘re-education' programme.

Five of the laypersons arrested at the same time are still being held at an unknown location. They are: Dorje Tsebe, Dorje Gyal, Dorje Dhundup, Pathar Gyal and Tseten Gyal.

During the March protests, one male participant was injured by tear gas, and is currently being treated at an army hospital in Xining city. He sustained brain damage, is in a serious condition and is not being allowed any visitors.