Chinese police arrested five Tibetan people in Driru country

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20 march 2012 003Dharamsala: In March 2012, five protestors had gathered in a Tibetan restaurant in the Nagchu region, planning a peaceful protest against the Chinese government, discussing matters such as the return of His Holiness to Tibet and the freedom of their country.

They were planning these protests, which they intended to orchestrate on the 53rd anniversary of the Tibetan Uprising, the 10th of March 2012, when their preparations were stopped by the Chinese government who had gotten wind of their ideas.

All five were arrested in different stages. Two people were arrested at 3pm on the 9th of March - Karma Tar, from Dathang Twonship and Sirga from Tsala township. Zomlhaker was arrested on 10th of March and the 14th of March saw to the arrest of Drudar from Dathang township and Tsegon from Chagse township.