Two Monks Self Immolate in Amdo

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14march2012-001Today at 10:30 am, Jamyang Phalten, age 34 from Rebkong Rongwo monastery, self-immolated in protest of Chinese oppression.

The Chinese authorities removed him from Dolma square and transported him to Malho Hospital, where he was later released and returned back to Rebkong monastery.

His condition is unknown as is the reason for his return to the monastery. Local monks and civilians gathered at Dolma square to protest Chinese actions in the region as the Chinese army and police surrounded Rongpo monastery.

Four days prior, on the 10th of March, another self-immolation occurred in Ngaba. Gepey, an 18 year old monk from Kirti Monastery, self-immolated and immediately perished.

His body was quickly confiscated by the Chinese and taken to a nearby military stronghold. The body was creamated at 10pm under tight Chinese surveillance.

Police detained his mother for interrogation for the two following days.

Ngaba is now under undeclared martial law as paramilitary and armed reinforcements have been deployed in the region.