Chinese Open Fire in Tibet, Resulting in Deaths, Blindness and Injuries

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20 january 2012 003Dharamshala: - January 20- Detail reports coming out confirmed that the latest self-immolation in Ngaba Tibet followed by the open fire on the Tibetan protesters have resulted death, injuries and blindness.

Following Lobsang Jamyang's self-immolation on 14th of this month, a mob of Tibetans angered by the Chinese merciless beating of Lobsang at the self-immolation, stood in united in-front of the Chinese guns protesting against the Chinese rule over Tibet.

"Lobsang Jamyang doused himself in petrol inside a public toilet cubicle at an intersection in Ngaba county town and set himself on fire. He walked on to the street shouting slogans for the long life of the Dalai Lama and for freedom in Tibet," said Kanyag Tsering who has close network with the Tibetans in Ngaba Tibet.

Kanyag in a press release said that Chinese soldiers and police in the vicinity started to beat Lobsang with spiked clubs, rather than putting out the flames.

"They covered him with a white cloth, and continued to beat and stamp on him," the release said.

Angered by the beating of the Tibetan who self-immolated, Tibetans at the scene tried to take away Lobsang from the merciless beating and torturing but the Chinese police started an open fire on the Tibetan masses which is said to have resulted to the death of one woman, wounded several of protesters, and a woman was blinded.

Two women got wounded by the open fire, the press release said.

Following the latest scene in the region, the Chinese police have extremely tightened the security, manning the streets and movements of Tibetans. However, despite the apex security control, leaflets were said to have thrown in the streets urging all the Tibetans to rise up and resist against the Chinese rule over, and to skip the upcoming Tibetan New Year to show solidarity and support to all the Tibetans who set themselves on fire for a free Tibet.