Three Self-immolation Monks Hospitalised in Ngaba, Tibet

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Dharamsala:- The Tibet Post has received the following report from two monks from Kirti monastery in exile - the mirror institution of Kirti Monastery in Ngaba county, Tibet:

It has been reported that Kesang Wangchuk, the Kirti monk who made a self-immolation protest in Ngaba county on October 3 is now in a ward on the second floor of the county hospital under strict police surveillance. All other occupants of the ward have been moved out.

A friend of Wangchuk's has been sent to nurse him, and several people have been allowed to visit. His burns are not serious but he has suffered a severe head injury, resulting from the beatings he received from the police at the time of his arrest.

Losang Konchok, who committed a similar protest on September 26, was reported to be in the prefecture hospital in Barkham a few days ago. His injuries are severe, and he has not been allowed to meet relatives or friends.

It seems that Konchok's fellow protester, Losang Kesang, is in a hospital in the provincial capital Chengdu. He was shown on the official Ngaba news channel a few days ago, and it was announced that his injuries are not serious.

There is little visible security presence around Kirti monastery at present, and an appearance of leniency is being maintained. However, local people suspect this to be a deceptive ploy on the part of the authorities.

Hundreds of government officials still stay at the monastery day and night, and four permanent sub-police stations are being built in the four quarters of the complex.

Police, soldiers and special forces are maintaining a heavy presence around the county town, and security cameras have been installed on buildings on both sides of the main road and on electricity poles.

Checkpoints have also been established on the main access roads into the county town, where locals have to show their identity cards and face ongoing harassment.