Empty monasteries and empty fields; evidence of Tibetan resistance

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10june20091Dharamshala: A resource from Tibet, across eastern Tibet fields are left abandoned as a form of peaceful protest against the Chinese brutal crackdown. In Nguldharuwa village in Jodha County unplanned fields have lead to unwarranted violence against villagers as Chinese authorities force local Tibetans to till their fields.

Extensive ‘Cultural Revolution era’ re-education campaigns have been instituted in the monastery, as a result Lhamas and older monks have been forced to leave for not renouncing their spiritual leader, His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Violence and cultural degradation enacted by Chinese security forces occurs widely in Tibet. Now, Tibetans find that funerals  and last rights cannot be preformed.  When a nun from Terton nunnery died last week family members were denied a funeral ceremony because the religious figures including reincarnations and monks are no longer allowed in the monastery.

Chinese authorities confronted with empty monasteries released the statement “unless in four months time all the monks return to monasteries and meet with their demands, the monastery will be closed.”

There is noting to show that the monks intend to return to the monastery within the allotted 4 months, and neighboring villages in Joda County are expressing their solidarity with Nudarwa and are also refusing to plant, there evidence that peaceful protests are standing up to Chinese brutality.