As Tibetan Demonstrations Continue, Protestors are Arrested

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18june20110000KRepeated protests by Tibetans in Kardze in eastern Tibet reinforce the Tibetans' indomitable courage and deep yearning for freedom and return of the Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet.

Dharamshala: - Peaceful protests against the repressive policies of the Chinese government have continued unabated in Kardze since 6 June. The Tibetan protesters are being subjected to severe beatings, arrests and incarceration. Over 20 Tibetans have been arrested and thrown into jail during the past 10 days of protests.

In a latest incident, a monk of Dhargyal Monastery in Kardze took to the streets on Saga Dawa, one of the holiest religious festivals marked by Buddhists this year on 15 June. "Ngawang Lobsang, 37, shouted slogans of "freedom for Tibet" "long live His Holiness the Dalai Lama" and distributed leaflets amidst a large gathering in the street of Kardze on Saga Dawa," a monk in Sera monastery in south India with knowledge of the incident said.

"He knelt down and, with hands in supplication, raised high-pitched shouts of "long live His Holiness the Dalai Lama" and "Tibet demands freedom." No sooner the slogans raised he was severely beaten by the police with iron batons and taken away for detention, the monk said.

Earlier on 14 June, Ngawang Lobsang went to the main market in Kardze and spent 800 Chinese Yuan to print many copies of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's photo. During the morning prayer assembly, fellow monks saw him praying for success in his action the next day.

Separately on 11 June at around 4 pm, Passang Rinchen, a monk of Khangmar Monastery in Kardze, chanted slogans of "long live His Holiness the Dalai Lama" and "Tibet wants freedom". Like Ngawang Lobsang, he was also severely beaten and forcibly whisked away in a police van.

Next day at around 4:30 pm, a 27-year-old woman named Tenzin Lhatso took to the street in Kardze demanding ‘return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet" and "ensure human rights in Tibet". A group of armed police and paramilitary personnel brutally beat her before being taken away for detention. Tenzin Lhatso, daughter of Dorjee Dudul and Wangmo, is a native of Lha Kyidong village in Thingka township in Kardze.

Again on 13 June, two nuns from Gemadrak nunnery, Namgyal Lhamo and Tashi Choedon staged peaceful demonstration. They were mercilessly beaten and thrown into prison.

That was followed by a similar protest by three other nuns, Jampa Choedon, Lhamo and Yangchen. The trio took to the street shouting slogans of "long live His Holiness the Dalai Lama", Tibetans demand freedom in Tibet" and "invite His Holiness the Dalai lama to Tibet". Consequently, they were beaten by the police and taken into custody.

Moreover, the public security bureau in Kardze has completely barred monks and nuns from traveling to the main town.

Those needing to visit hospitals should be accompanied by a government official with a written permission from the local and township authorities. Anyone caught without fulfilling these preconditions would be arrested, the authorities have ordered.