China Arrests Tibetans in Nyakrong County, Eastern Tibet

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8thjune2011GDharamshala: - On 7th June , a monk called Woser Phuntsok (31) from Beri Monastery of Karze County, eastern Tibet was arrested by the Police. He was arrested for distributing pamphlets and posters supporting the Tibetan Freedom Movement. During his protest, he also shouted the slogans, 'Invite His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet' 'Tibet is Independent' and 'Long live His Holiness the Dalai Lama.. The additional photos about 2010 was uncovered until June, 2011.

Woser Phuntsok's father's name is Lobsang Gyaltsen and mother's name is Tamdin Lhamo. His whereabouts and current status is not known after the arrest. This information has been given to The Tibet Post International by a person in Tibet who wishes to remain unnamed.

On 8th April 2010 ,Apo Tashi (22) ,Tsering Gyaltsen (19) and Tsering Wangchuk (22) from Nyakrong Guru Monastery and another monk Rigzin Dorjee of Jamjor Monastery openly protested in Nyakrong County. They marched in main market of the county carrying the Tibetan national flags and shouted the slogans, 'Invite His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet' 'Tibet is Independent' and 'Long live His Holiness the Dalai Lama.'

When the Chinese Police tried to arrest them, the police were distracted by others and the protesters escaped on motorcycles. One of the monks who was photographing the others was arrested by the police when his motorcycle broke down.

Nyakrong County is a part of Karze region of eastern Tibet and in 2008, there were widespread protests in Tibet. Nyakmey region of Nyakrong County refused Chinese "patriotic education and in Nyaktoe County some families refused to cultivate their land to protest against the Chinese government.

In 2009, protesters - Pema Yeshe was sentenced to die after two years and Sonam Gonpo was sentenced to 16 years because of their protests. In April 2009, The Chinese Government cracked down on the people of Thang-kya Village of Nyakrong County with guns when they protested.

In 2009 and 2010 - The Chinese Government started mining activity at the mountain of Nyagtoe Khawa Longri , a holy mountain for the local villagers who continuously protested against the Chinese mining.